4- Large Tropical Vivarium : The Boa vivarium
The pump which will be used ( Aquarium pump or Power head ) with flexible pipe ..
The electrical cord will run through pipe as a sleeve for protection and easy replacement ..
In this vivarium We will build similar tropical to the previous vivariums ..
You can see other project for more information :
2- Combined 4 vivariums into converted clothes cabinet ..
In this project we will build large vivariums for large animals like monitors , boas and pythons ..
It was built from wood also ..
with large viewing window slide ..
below is the details :
Structure :
For the structure I used plain wood sheet ( MDF or chip board ) size 2 meters long by 1 meter hieght by 1 meter width ..
Plesase follow the list of projects in the top of this page for more information ..
of course we will build the wood enclosure and we will use the angles and the wood screws
The liner for the waterfall is cover the polystyrene to avoid any water leak to the surrounding areas , First batch of PU foam is applied ..

Angles used to support the wood sheets ..
Drain ( bulk head ) fitting opening
Tip : What the hole saw look like and how to work with it ?
Ventilation holes with chicken screen or nets also same I put for the fan .. the fan is better to be external .. Can be cut bu hole saw ..

Drain hole size .
can be cut by hole saw with power drill .
The outlet can be connected with half inch pipe fitting adapter

Hole Saw Kit Tutorial - English Subtitle
Wood Screws : the black wood screws or timber screws are important and essential for any wood working job
How to use a hole saw
Today's Wood Screw Technology
What kind of screw should I use? Woodworking Basics
Foam and foam gun : The expandable foam spray cylinder and it's gun are important to create the form that you want and to attach the polystyrene which each other .. try to select the proper products for your work ..
Common Mistakes When Using Professional Foam Guns
How to Use Expanding Foam Filler
Ventilation fan: I use the fan which is for electrical and electronic board ventilation .. as you can see in photos down .. there is two types of it one work with DC 24 volts and others are 220 Volt AC use the AC 220 volts to avoid using transformers and make the things too complecated ..
These fans come with four screws holes ready to fix on the wood sheets ..
If you fix it direct on the wood board noise will be generated ..
Better to use an pieces of foam as a damper which can the screws prntrate through the fan holes and the dampers to the wood ..

Holes for the four screws
External fan
Back to our project ..
Decoration :
Thanks Industry .. We always adapts amazing things from you:-)
The top will be by acrylic sheet ( clear ) fixed by screws ( thses sheets are used in one old project )
Liner all inside and around the box
Polystyrene sheets used for Decoration
Air inlet
Drain .. In large Vivariums it is better to put one drain Every one square meter od 10.76 square feet
The second drain from the other side of the plastic container
A large flat container for water will work like an internal pond .. The flat Polystyrene sheet will cover some of it to create the water fall , also to hide the pump inside ..
I select it to transparent to reflect the balck color of the liner

The sleeve pipe for the electrical cord
The sleeve pipe for the electrical cord
the electrical cord .. it is short to reach to outside the vivarium , So tit will be cutted and connected with long wire or cable to outside the vivarium ..
Pots , Stems and roots will be added , Scond PU foam layer applied
Using tape to attach the pots and supports from any pipes , or wood bar just to be inserted to let the foam not pop up to the front
Lighting will be LED Light external mount ( Hangs to the frame )

Cave : cave will be created here by chicken wire or net screen and insert stuff from plastic garbage bags , newspaper or anything can be removed easy .. as above photo
Then cement will be Poured after PU foam .. Be sure that the stuff inside the cave is inserted tightly ..
Natural wood and stems will be used ..
PROJECT One : Corner Vivariums : PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5
PROJECT Two : Clothes cabinet to vivarius project : PART ONE PART TWO
PROJECT Three : Themed stands or racks : PART 1 PART 2
PROJECT Four : Wood Vivariums :
Project 1 : Part one Desert vivarium for Arabian uromastyx
: part two Desert vivarium for Arabian uromastyx
Project 2 :- General tropical vivarium
Project 3: - Wood Vivarium : calotes mystaceus enclosure
Project 4 : - Large Tropical Vivarium : The Boa vivarium : PART ONE PART TWO
Project 5 :- Tropical Vivarium : The chameleon vivarium
Project 6 :- Tropical Vivarium :Cuban Anole vivarium
PROJECT One : Corner Vivariums : PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5
PROJECT Two : Clothes cabinet to vivarius project : PART ONE PART TWO
PROJECT Three : Themed stands or racks : PART 1 PART 2
PROJECT Four : Wood Vivariums :
Project 1 : Part one Desert vivarium for Arabian uromastyx
: part two Desert vivarium for Arabian uromastyx
Project 2 :- General tropical vivarium
Project 3: - Wood Vivarium : calotes mystaceus enclosure
Project 4 : - Large Tropical Vivarium : The Boa vivarium : PART ONE PART TWO
Project 5 :- Tropical Vivarium : The chameleon vivarium
Project 6 :- Tropical Vivarium :Cuban Anole vivarium