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The Middle Tank :


In the Middle tank which the  narrower one will be for my four Pancake tortoises  ..
These tortoise live in Africa in mountain areas and dut to it is living in rockey environoment .. They adapt it's unique thin shape and some soft shell to live and hide in rockes grooves ..
Additional to light , heat requirement which I read I design this Vivariums for them .. 

Photos of the temporary tank of my pancake tortoises .. I will use the same real rocks ( Slate Rocks ) and try to match the color with backround of the tank 

Below is the new tank ( The middle vivarium ) after liner and the drain built ..

At first we need to protect the drain from any material can stuck in .. 

First layer of soil   ..

The slate rock and the pots .. 

A layer of hydro stone which important to absorb and eleminate  any water can not reach the drain .
The drain protected by any textile that can the water run through it while the waste or any soil can stay out of the drain ( working like filter  ) . 

The drain pipe from the upper tank run through the middle tank ..
water leakage proofing required here .. I use the silicon .. similar to the drain ( Black silicon ).. But not appear in the picture .. Or you can exclude the liner from the pipe and put the liner out that ..  due to the pipe come in the corner and can be hide with the decoration ..

The tortoises is in : 


Foam starting .. 

Time for plants .. :-) 

I check different types of color then I discovered that the gray color or the normal or natural color of cement is the suitable to match with natural slate rock ..

The foam that I used ..

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