Large male sailfin lizards will exceed a metre in length, much of which is tail. The most distinctive feature is the erect sail of skin situated along the lower back and base of the tail. This may be as large as 6 or 7cm high in some specimens. The function of this sail is unclear but probably plays an important role in territorial display while also acting in a heating and cooling role allowing the lizard to expose a large surface area to the sun to warm up quickly. The pattern is a mottled colour of dark olive green and browns, often with yellowish patches on the flanks and under the head.
- Hydrosaurus pustulatus – Philippine sailfin lizard :
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The Philippine sailfin lizard,[2] crested lizard, sail-fin lizard, sailfin water lizard, or soa-soa water lizard[1] (Hydrosaurus pustulatus) is an oviparous lizard living only in the Philippines.
The Philippine sailfin lizard is an excellent swimmer and has flattened toes that enable it to run across water. It is omnivorous, feeding on fruit, leaves, flowers, insects, and small animals . It lives near rivers in the tropical forests of the Philippines. Males have a larger crest on their back than the females. The males also show a violet color as they grow older. Females are less colorful.
The Philippine sailfin lizard lives mainly beside water, e.g., rivers, riverbanks, rice-fields, etc., as these lizards love to swim. The adults may reach up to a metre in length. Due to confusion with H. amboinensis, the exact distribution in the Philippines is uncertain, but northern populations are generally considered H. pustulatus and southern considered H. amboinensis.[1]
Philippine sailfin lizard
At Tropicario in Helsinki, Finland.
Conservation status:
Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification:
Species:H. pustulatus
Binomial name :
Hydrosaurus pustulatus
(Eschscholtz, 1829)
Conservation :
Sailfin dragons have now been classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN.[1] Their main threats are habitat loss, being hunted for food, and collection for the pet trade.
Sailfin lizards in captivity :
Philippine sailfin lizards were commonly available in the United States during the 1990s, but today they are now rare and expensive in the United States (costing about $650 for a captive bred juvenile). Breeding in captivity has only been done in a few cases.
But because it is common in many parts of the Philippines, the pet trade in many regions still continues and some are even unrecognized by the government.
Philippine sailfin lizard
Video :
Hydrosaurus Pustulatus / Adult Philippine Sailfin Dragon
Philippine Sailfin Lizard (Hydrosaurus Pustulatus)
courtesy to :
Scientific Name: Hydrosaurus Pustulatus
Habitat :
Sailfin lizards are the ecological equivalent of the Australian water dragon (Physignathus lesueurii). Their days are spent in vegetation overhanging the rivers and streams of the tropical jungles of the Philippine Islands, dropping into the water and swimming to the bottom at the first sign of approaching danger. They are excellent swimmers and their tail is flattened sideways to provide more propulsion through the water.
Diet :
Sailfins are omnivores, meaning they eat a wide variety of plant material, such as leaves, shoots, fruits, etc., supplemented with the occasional insect or crustacean.
Reproduction :
Several clutches of eggs are laid by females in good years. These contain 2-8 eggs and are laid in shallow holes dug into the soil adjacent to the waterside homes but usually above the flood line. The hatchling sailfins are swift and agile to enable them to escape the myriad of predators wanting to make a meal of them. Snakes, birds and fish will all take the baby lizards who, like their parents, are good swimmers and will readily take refuge in the water to escape danger.
Other websites :
Hydrosaurus pustulatus - Philippine agama
courtesy to :
naming :
Polish name: Philippine agama sail * Philippine agama water ** Soa-SOA (local name) [*, ** - name is not correct because the three-pronged, not in accordance with the Polish nomenclature zoological]
English name: Philippine Sailfin Lizard, Philippine Sail-Fin Lizard, Soa Soa-Lizard
German Name: Die Philippinische Segelechse
Hydrosaurus pustulatus (Eschsholtz, 1829) is the largest of the family agam. Adult males can reach up to 120 cm in length. The characteristics of this species should be turned crest running along the spine to the neck, back and tail. Of toe are characteristic of longitudinal scales which increase the surface. The tail of the lizards is very strong, massive and flattened, helpful while swimming.
Coloration is dominated by olive brown with light gray back. On the sides of the body is visible irregular pattern of dark gray or black spots. The limbs and head are clearly darker than the torso and tail. The head of the males is sometimes almost black. Single scales on face and neck, and forming a comb scales are blue-gray.
It is a species endemic to the archipelago of the Philippines. Inhabits most of the islands of the archipelago except Palawanu.
Terrarium :
Tropical Terrarium . Terrarium for these lizards must be large enough to the animals feel comfortable. Since they are reptiles arboreal tank must be high, provided with a large number of high intensity climbing boughs. Living vegetation has no sense in the case of adults, which will destroy it while climbing. Juveniles feel perfectly terrarium with live plants. Due to the large stresogenność these agam we recommend the use of artificial vegetation to mirror conditions as close as possible to natural. It is necessary to install a large water reservoir, wherein the lizard will be able to easily soak and swim. The water from this tank should be changed regularly, because reptiles are often handled by to her. For the substrate in terrariums best serve a mix of soil and peat with a touch of coconut pieces of bark. should be ensured sufficiently large and effective venting to prevent the decay of the substrate .
It should also consider the capacity of the wall parts terrarium stopper or coconut matting. Agama those at a young age have a very large shyness and often get injured as a result of a collision with hard walls. Securing of the walls of the tank considerably reduces the risk of such accidents.
The size terrarium for an adult is at least 100x150x200 cm.
12-hour cycle. We use UVB 5%.
Juveniles are almost entirely carnivorous. They feed on all kinds of invertebrates: insects, arachnids, millipedes and snails. With the increase they begin to hunt for larger prey. Specimens adults also eat small mammals , eggs birds and chicks, small lizards and snakes , and occasionally fish . In adults of this species agam an important component of the diet (up to 30%) are plants . They eat colorful and sweet fruits, young leaves and flowers .
Multiplication :
Hydrosaurus pustulatus reach sexual maturity at the age of approx. 2 years. The period of mating in the wild in the spring. The males gather harems of females and defend them against competitors. Intra-fighting are usually bloodless and limited most often to highly ritualized gestures, ruffled combs and hissing. Sometimes, however, there is a very brutal fighting between males.
Approximately 10 weeks after mating the female lays dug in the forest floor side in the cavity 15 eggs with a length of approx. 4 cm. Incubation takes about 90-100 days. after hatching juveniles have a length of approx. 20 cm.
wintering :
no data
Comments :
As the vast majority of individuals are commercially available trapping of specimens after purchase is necessary to be reptiles quarantine and odrobaczyć.
Juveniles tend to be very skittish and easily panic, which often ends with injuries. The adult specimens usually are calm and rather mild in comparison to the maintainer. They provoked or frightened may, however painful death.
The basic problem in the rearing of this species is to provide a sufficiently large terrarium in tropical type. It is important to provide the appropriate high humidity. In the case of too low humidity Agama They often have problems with dropping instar especially with fingers.
Hydrosaurus pustulatus is threatened in the wild as a result of progressive degradation of natural forest communities in the Philippines. The disappearance of primary forests and the mountain of forest fragmentation is a major concern for these lizards. In addition, they are caught by the local population for food and breeding.
subspecies :
Relatedness between populations inhabiting different islands are uncertain. Probably hydrosaurus pustulatus will be divided into several subspecies or even species will be extracted separately.
Length of life :
About 10-12 years.
Occurrence :
varieties :
Look :
- Appearance male :
The male is significantly larger and more massive than the female, adult males have proved very kręgosłupa.Grzebień ridge extending along the neck and back of a massive, thick base forming characteristic humps. The competent comb is formed by a single government tightened echinating shaped scales. Tail comb is devoid of the massive base is much higher and in old animals creates a specific sail (hence the name of the animal). Additionally, the male has a much more massive skull, powerful jaws and clearly upturned tip of the snout. Some individuals develop a mouth on top of the enlarged scales forming a low hump. Coloration adults of both sexes is similar, but has a darker male head and a greater number of blue scales in the vicinity of the mouth and neck.
- appearance of a female :
The female is smaller than the male, as a rule, does not exceed 100 cm in length. It is also clearly thinner and less massive. Combs, both on the back and tail are never so well developed. The skull is delicately built, with a more elongated snout. Female coloration is similar to the male coloration, but usually with dark spots pattern is more pronounced.
Special features :
In addition to the comb, which is the most striking feature of this lizard very characteristic is the construction of the feet. The fingers are formed from the side slats of elongated and flattened scales which greatly increases the area of the foot while swimming.
Juveniles in case of an emergency are able to run on their hind legs. Reptiles these well climb the trees. Also they spend a lot of time in the water, where to seek food and shelter in case of danger.
biotope :
They inhabit the tropical mountain forests of the Philippines. They are reptiles closely related to the original forest communities. They never move away from water bodies, prefer swift streams and rivers. Most of the time they spend in the treetops. In case of emergency they flee into the water, often leaping directly from the branches. Food searching both in the trees and in the water, less on the ground.
Temperature :
On the day of 26-30 ° C, the radiator to 32 ° C, the night temperature of approximately 25 -26 ° C
Humidity :
Develop and sources of information
Jakub Kowalski
sources of information
Species Information Network - Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Program, Conservation of Philippine Sailfin Lizards (June, 2006)
Listing of taxonomic Squamates recorded from Mindoro (June, 2006)
Videos :
some sailfin dragon(Hydrosaurus pustulatus) on some paper towel eating some vegetables
Philippine Sailfin Dragon "Hydrosaurus pustulatus"
Handling Male Philippine Sailfin Dragon
Jardim Zoológico - Hidrossauro-das-filipinas (Hydrosaurus pustulatus)
Male Hydrosaurus Pustulatus
Narnia the female sailfin dragon (hydrosaurus pustulatus)
Hydrosaurus pustulatus daily bath
Nascimentos Maliji Jungle 2015: Hydrosaurus pustulatus
Philippine Sailfin Dragon Basics
07 Hydrosaurus pustulatus + Corucia zebrata + Chelodina longicollis Hagenbeck Hamburg 2017
- ASIA Species :
1-Acanthosaura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
5- Calotes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
8- Cophotis
9- Physignathus - ( Physignathus cocincinus - Chinese water dragon ). Part : 1 2 3 4
10- Dendragama
11- Draco ( Gliding Lizards ) Click here
12-Gonocephalus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
14-Hydrosaurus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
16-Japalura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
18-Leiolepis ( butterfly lizards ) Part 1 Part 2
24-Sinai agama (Pseudotrapelus sinaitus)
25-Phrynocephalus Part 1 Part 2
26-Physignathus ( Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) Click here )
32-Uromasticinae ( Uromastyx - Saara )
33- Trapelus
Agamidae : Introduction
Agamidae Species : Africa - Asia - Australia & Papua new guinea
- ASIA Species :
1-Acanthosaura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
5- Calotes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
8- Cophotis
9- Physignathus - ( Physignathus cocincinus - Chinese water dragon ). Part : 1 2 3 4
10- Dendragama
11- Draco ( Gliding Lizards ) Click here
12-Gonocephalus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
14-Hydrosaurus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
16-Japalura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
18-Leiolepis ( butterfly lizards ) Part 1 Part 2
24-Sinai agama (Pseudotrapelus sinaitus)
25-Phrynocephalus Part 1 Part 2
26-Physignathus ( Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) Click here )
32-Uromasticinae ( Uromastyx - Saara )
33- Trapelus