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1- Calotes calotes - The common green forest lizard
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The common green forest lizard (Calotes calotes) is an agamid lizard found in the forests of the Western Ghats and the Shevaroy Hills in India, and Sri Lanka.
Common green forest lizard
Scientific classification:
Species:C. calotes
Binomial name:
Calotes calotes
(Linnaeus, 1758) [1]
Lacerta Calotes Linnaeus, 1758
Iguana calotes Laurenti, 1768
Agama calotes Daudin, 1802
Calotes ophiomachus Duméril & Bibron, 1837
Description :
Calotes calotes is a considerably large species of agamid, measuring 50 to 65 cm (19.5 to 25.5 in) in length, including the tail.[2]
The length of head is one and a half times the size of its breadth, the snout is a little longer than the orbit. The lizard has a concave forehead, swollen cheeks and smooth, unequal upper head-scales. The canthus rostralis and the supraciliary edge both are sharp. A row of 8 or 9 compressed spines, divided into two groups, is above the tympanum, the diameter of these is less than half that of the orbit. C. calotes has 9 to 11 upper and as many lower labials. The body is compressed, the dorsal scales are large and usually feebly keeled, but sometimes smooth. these scales point backwards and upwards and are as large as or a slightly smaller than the ventrals, which are strongly keeled and mucronate. 30 to 35 scales cover the middle of the body. The gular pouch is not developed, the gular scales are feebly keeled, they are nearly as large as the ventrals. A short oblique fold is in front of the shoulder and is covered with small granular scales. The nuchal and dorsal crests are continuous, composed of closely set lanceolate spines with smaller ones at the base. In adult males the height of the crest on the neck equals or exceeds the diameter of the orbit, on the back it gradually diminishes in size. The Limbs are moderate, the third and fourth fingers are nearly equal, however the fourth toe is distinctly longer than third toe. The hind-limb reaches to the front of the eye or further. C. calotes has a very long and slender tail.
The lizard has a bright green dorsal coloration, usually with 5 or 6 white, cream or dark green transverse stripes; however these are changeable. Often the stripes continue on to the tail. The head is yellowish- or brownish-green whereas the male develops a bright red head and throat in the breeding season. The underside is a pale green, the tail is light brown. Young and immature sometimes have a whitish dorso-lateral stripe.[3] A half-grown example in the British Museum, no., has a broad vertebral stripe of buff with elongated dark brown spots.[4] It roosts on green foliage bearing trees like Azadirachta indica. Though very little knowledge is available in roosting ecology of the species.
head details
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Sägerückenechsen ( Calotes calotes )
Care Articles :
Calotes Calotes
Calotes Dragons (adults)
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Vietnamese Calotes (Calotes calotes)
Description: :
Vietnamese Calotes are medium-sized, bright green lizards with white markings and dorsal spikes. The males are larger, have dorsal crests, and their heads may become red or blue when excited. Unlike most lizards, they do not lose their tails. They can also move their eyes in different directions like chameleons. They can grow up to 16-20 inches from the tip of their snout to the end of their tail. These lizards can live up to 10 years if taken care of properly.
Habitat and Tank Requirements: :
This species is native to Southeast Asia.
These lizards do well with a substrate of sand, sand/gravel mix, reptile bark, or reptile carpet. Add plenty of plants, wood, and rocks to the tank for them to climb and hide in.
A single Vietnamese Calotes will do well in a 30-40 gallon tank. A screen cover is recommended for your tank, as it allows better airflow and heating.
A comfortable temperature for these lizards is around 80-88º F during the day and nighttime temperatures around 70-80º F. LEDs or other low-wattage light bulbs work best for maintaining these temperatures. A heat pad is also recommended for basking.
Your tank should have a good-sized bowl of water that is cleaned daily. This is for your lizard to drink from as well as wade in. These lizards enjoy swimming and soaking. Some lizards won’t drink from a bowl. In this case some sort of dropper is recommended. Misting the tank with a spray bottle every 2 or 3 days is also recommended.
Vietnamese Calotes are mainly insectivorous. They will feed on small crickets, fruit flies, mealworms, wax worms, and any other insect small enough for them to ingest. Larger specimens will also eat pinkie mice. You can supplement their diet with melon, dark leafy greens, and/or berries. It is recommended that food be dusted with calcium to prevent bone softening.
Allow your lizard time to become accustomed to its new home before handling them extensively. Handling them little by little over a period of time lets the animal get used to you and reduces stress.
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Godzilla nesting ( Calotes calotes )
Genus Calotes Lizard
2- Calotes versicolor ( Oriental garden lizard ) :
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The oriental garden lizard, eastern garden lizard or changeable lizard (Calotes versicolor) is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in Asia. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world.
Oriental Garden Lizard or
Changeable Lizard
Scientific classification :
Species:C. versicolor
Binomial name :
Calotes versicolor
(Daudin, 1802)[1]
Description :
It is an insectivore and the male gets a bright red throat in the breeding season.
It measures over 10 cm (3.9 in) in length snout-to-vent. Total length including the tail is up to 37 cm (14.5 in).[2] Two small groups of spines, perfectly separated from each other, above each tympanum. Dorsal crest moderately elevated on the neck and anterior part of the trunk, extending on to the root of the tail in large individuals, and gradually disappearing on the middle of the trunk in younger ones. No fold in front of the shoulder, but the scales behind the lower jaw are much smaller than the others; gular sac not developed. From thirty-nine to forty-three series of scales round the middle of the trunk. The hind foot (measured from the heel to the extremity of the fourth toe) is not much longer than the head in the adult, whilst it is considerably longer in the young. The coloration is very variable, sometimes uniform brownish or greyish-olive or yellowish.
Generally broad brown bands across the back, interrupted by a yellowish lateral band. Black streaks radiate from the eye, and some of them are continued over the throat, running obliquely backwards, belly frequently with greyish longitudinal stripes, one along the median line being the most distinct; young and half-grown specimens have a dark, black-edged band across the inter-orbital region.
The ground-colour is generally a light brownish olive, but the lizard can change it to bright red, to black, and to a mixture of both. This change is sometimes confined to the head, at other times diffused over the whole body and tail. A common state in which it may be seen (as stated by Mr. Jerdon) is, seated on a hedge or bush, with the tail and limbs black, head and neck yellow picked out with red, and the rest of the body red. Jerdon and Blyth agree that these bright, changeable colours are peculiar to the male during the breeding-season, which falls in the months of May and June.
The lizard has a spiny back.
Mouhot has collected in Siam one of those fine variations of colours, which, however, appear to be infinite. It has the usual cross streaks between the eyes and the radiating lines continent of India to China; it is very common in Ceylon, not extending into the temperate zone of the Himalayas. Ceylonese specimens are generally somewhat larger; one of them measured 16 inches, the tail taking 11 inches. It is found in hedges and trees; it is known in Ceylon under the name of "Bloodsucker", a designation the origin of which cannot be satisfactorily traced; in the opinion of Kelaart, the name was given to it from the occasional reddish hue of the throat and neck. The female lays from five to sixteen soft oval eggs, about 5/8 of an inch long, in hollows of trees, or in holes in the soil which they have burrowed, afterward covering them up. The young appear in about eight or nine weeks. In a hot sunny day a solitary Bloodsucker may be seen on a twig or on a wall, basking in the sun, with mouth wide open. After a shower of rain numbers of them arc seen to come down on the ground and pick up the larva and small insects which fall from the trees during the showers.[3]
Oriental Garden Lizard awaiting for a flying insect with its head lifted up while ant crawls on one of its foot
During the breeding season, the male's head and shoulders turns bright orange to crimson and his throat black. Males also turn red-headed after a successful battle with rivals. Both males and females have a crest from the head to nearly the tail, hence their other common name "Crested Tree Lizard".
Male in breeding colouration
Changeable Lizards are related to iguanas (which are found only in the New World). Unlike other lizards, they do not drop their tails (autotomy), and their tails can be very long, stiff and pointy. Like other reptiles, they shed their skins. Like chameleons, Changeable Lizards can move each of their eyes in different directions.
Distribution :
The native range of the species includes SE Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China (South) (Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Hainan Island), India (including the Andaman Islands), Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Western), Maldives, Mauritius (Reunion, Rodrigues), Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Thailand, Vietnam (including Pulo Condore Island). It has been introduced to Brunei, Celebes, Oman, Seychelles, Singapore and United States. The lizards were introduced to Singapore from Malaysia and Thailand in the 1980s. In Singapore, they are a threat to the native Green-Crested Lizard.[4] The Changeable Lizard is relatively common and found in a wide range of habitats. They appear to adapt well to humans and are thus not endangered. They are commonly found among the undergrowth in open habitats including highly urban areas.
Diet :
Changeable Lizards eat mainly insects and small vertebrates, including rodents and other lizards. Although they have teeth, these are designed for gripping prey and not tearing it up. So prey is swallowed whole, after it is stunned by shaking it about. Sometimes, young inexperienced Changeable Lizards may choke on prey which are too large. Occasionally changeable lizards also consume vegetable matter.
Reproduction :
Males become highly territorial during breeding season. They discourage intruding males by brightening their red heads and doing "push-ups". Each tries to attract a female by inflating his throat and drawing attention to his handsomely colored head. Oviparous; about 10—20 eggs are laid, buried in moist soil. The eggs are long, spindle-shaped and covered with a leathery skin. They hatch in about 6–7 weeks. They are able to breed at about 1 year old.
Gallery :
Male at Pocharam lake, Andhra Pradesh, India
in Bhuvanagiri, Andhra Pradesh
At Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam
A female in Gazipur District, Bangladesh.
Juvenile male, Andhra Pradesh
Female at Peddapuram, Andhra Pradesh
Camouflaged as per environment
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Video :
Agamidae : Introduction
Agamidae Species : Africa - Asia - Australia & Papua new guinea
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5- Calotes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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9- Physignathus - ( Physignathus cocincinus - Chinese water dragon ). Part : 1 2 3 4
10- Dendragama
11- Draco ( Gliding Lizards ) Click here
12-Gonocephalus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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25-Phrynocephalus Part 1 Part 2
26-Physignathus ( Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) Click here )
32-Uromasticinae ( Uromastyx - Saara )
33- Trapelus