Hydrosaurus species :
Hydrosaurus amboinensis (Schlosser, 1768) – Amboina sailfin lizard or Amboina sail-finned lizard
Hydrosaurus pustulatus (Eschsholtz, 1829) – Philippine sailfin lizard, crested lizard, sail-fin lizard, lailfin water lizard, or soa-soa water lizard[3]
Hydrosaurus weberi Barbour, 1911 – Weber's sailfin lizard
- Hydrosaurus amboinensis :
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Amboina sail-finned lizard or Amboina sailfin lizard[1] (Hydrosaurus amboinensis) [2] is the largest agamid lizard in the world, growing to over one metre in length. It is found in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia,[1] and the Philippines.[3] Due to confusion with H. pustulatus, its exact distribution in the Philippines is uncertain, but northern populations are generally considered H. pustulatus and southern considered H. amboinensis.[4] This lizard is able to run short distances across water using both its feet and tail for support,[citation needed] an ability shared with the plumed basilisk.
Video :
For the external links , refrences click here to read the full wikipedia article
Scientific classification :
Species:H. amboinensis
Binomial name :
Hydrosaurus amboinensis
(Schlosser, 1768)[1]
Hydrosaurus Amboinensis Sub-Adult Pair
Care Sheets :
courtesy to : www.luckyreptile.com/tiere/150/en/pid1,467$pid2,56$pid3,98/animals.html
scientific name: Hydrosaurus amboinensis
Cites status:not protected
Geographical Extension:Sulawesi (Celebes), Moluccas, New-Guinea
Habitat:rain forests, near bodies of water, diurnal
Size:over 100 cm
Life Expectancy:over 20 years
Reproduction:lays several clutches with up to 9 eggs each. Incubation period at 30°C about 60-75 days.
Temperature:air temperature between 26-28°C, local heat spots up 35°C. Night setback to 20-23°C.
Humidity:70-90% at day, over 95% at night
Lighting:Daylight fluorescent tubes, if necessary UV tubes (see "Sorry Link missing"). For sufficient UV radiation we recommend "Sorry Link missing" or "Sorry Link missing". "Sorry Link missing" for the creation of local heat spots. Species needs a strong illumination. If necessary the use of HQI lamps or T5 fluorescent tubes is recommended.
Substrate:loose, absorptive substrate (see "Sorry Link missing").
Cage Furniture:Robust furniture! Climbing facilities, planting is possible(Ficus benjamina, F. pumila, Scindapsus etc.). Various hiding places and a large water tank with a waterfall or similar make up the basic configuration of the terrarium (possibly even an aquaterrarium).
food:herbivore (sweet fruit, dandelion and clover blossoms, various salads,vegetables, etc.), "Sorry Link missing", but also insects (cricktets, house crickets, grasshoppers, cockroaches, super mealworms, etc.) and freshly born mice, fish, shrimps as well as products from the "Sorry Link missing". Regular additions of "Sorry Link missing" and "Sorry Link missing" are necessary.
Comment:The species is strongly dependend on water!
2-Sailfin Dragon Caresheet
courtesy to : reptilefacts.tumblr.com/post/18843755343/sailfin-dragon-caresheet
Latin name: Hydrosaurus spp.
Lifespan: 20+ years
Adult size: 3ft/90cm, males can grow up to 4ft/120cm
Adult vivarium size: 5ftx3ftx6ft minimum
Adult diet: Omnivorous : 50% insects (eg. crickets, superworms, cockroaches, Phoenix Worms) and meat (eg. small mice, ground turkey, clean fish, crustaceans, shrimp, crawfish) dusted with vitamin supplements. 50% finely chopped fruits and vegetables (eg. cantaloupe, bananas, berries, collard greens, mustard greens, carrots, beans, edible flowers)
Note: juveniles need closer to 70% insects/meat 30% plant matter
Frequency of feeding: Daily - with meat/insects offered in the morning and evening and plants available all day
Lighting needed: UVB light for 12 hours a day
Temperature gradient needed: a basking spot of 46C/115F, an ambient temperature of 32C/90F at the hot end, 29.4C/85F at the cool end. At night the temperatures should drop to 26C/80F to 23.8C/75F
Humidity needed: 75+% humidity, so require extra misting or an in-built sprinkler system
General husbandry notes: Are arboreal and require enough space to regulate their own temperature by moving throughout their enclosure. Also need a large waterbowl or an area to swim and a variety of branches - all of which need to be at least larger than the girth of the individual. UVB bulbs require replacing every 6 months. Wild caught individuals of this species doesn’t understand the concept of glass so something covering the front should help prevent damage to the individual
Temperament: Timid, but can be tamed
Ease of care: Medium to difficult, this is not a beginner species or a good first pet for a child
Range of morphs: none
If you are interested in keeping a Green Iguana, a lot of research is needed into their husbandry - this is only the basics!
Other websites :
- www.exotic-pets.co.uk/sailfin-lizard.html
- zipcodezoo.com/index.php/Hydrosaurus_amboinensis
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Hydrosaurus&species=amboinensis
- www.deerfernfarms.com/sailfins.htm
- www.reptilesncritters.com/giant-sailfin-dragon-juveniles.html
- reptile-parrots.com/forums/showthread.php/9221-How-to-care-for-Sailfin-dragons-hydrosaurus-reptiles
Videos :
Greenhouse 2008 with Hydrosaurus amboinensis group
The basement project
Hydrosaurus amboinensis eating
Hydrosaurus amboinensis / Segelechse (sailfin dragon) im Terrarium
Soa Layar - Hydrosaurus amboinensis (Sailfin Dragon)
Hydrosaurus Amboinensis
Bruno. the sailfin dragon (indonesian sailfin dragon a.k.a hydrosaurus amboinensis). bantaeng type
Sailfin Dragons
My first hydrosaurus with new cage
Hydrosaurus amboinensis
my first hydrosaurus
Hydrosaurus amboinensis bath
One happy hydrosaurus amboinensis
Sailfin Dragon Breeding Action
- ASIA Species :
1-Acanthosaura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
5- Calotes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
8- Cophotis
9- Physignathus - ( Physignathus cocincinus - Chinese water dragon ). Part : 1 2 3 4
10- Dendragama
11- Draco ( Gliding Lizards ) Click here
12-Gonocephalus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
14-Hydrosaurus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
16-Japalura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
18-Leiolepis ( butterfly lizards ) Part 1 Part 2
24-Sinai agama (Pseudotrapelus sinaitus)
25-Phrynocephalus Part 1 Part 2
26-Physignathus ( Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) Click here )
32-Uromasticinae ( Uromastyx - Saara )
33- Trapelus
Agamidae : Introduction
Agamidae Species : Africa - Asia - Australia & Papua new guinea
- ASIA Species :
1-Acanthosaura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
5- Calotes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
8- Cophotis
9- Physignathus - ( Physignathus cocincinus - Chinese water dragon ). Part : 1 2 3 4
10- Dendragama
11- Draco ( Gliding Lizards ) Click here
12-Gonocephalus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
14-Hydrosaurus Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
16-Japalura Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
18-Leiolepis ( butterfly lizards ) Part 1 Part 2
24-Sinai agama (Pseudotrapelus sinaitus)
25-Phrynocephalus Part 1 Part 2
26-Physignathus ( Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) Click here )
32-Uromasticinae ( Uromastyx - Saara )
33- Trapelus