1- Huallaga :

Location : Huallaga Canyon, Peru
Origin in Captivity:Legal Exports: Understory Enterprises 2008 onwards
Notes : This morph is relatively new to the hobby. The back is reticulated yellow or gold on black, with gray-blue reticulation on the legs.
2- Cainarachi

Location : Cainarachi Valley, Peru
Origin in Captivity : INIBICO Project 2006-2007
Notes : Very similar to Nominal/Nominate morph. However, INIBICO exports were from a known locale in the Cainarachi Valley.
3- Nominal , Nominat , Nominate or Standard morph :

4- Chazuta :
Location : ProbablyCainarachi Valley, Peru
Origin in Captivity : Europe
Notes : The "common" R. imitator in the hobby. Very similar to Cainarachi Valley morph, but Nominal should not be mixed with INIBICO animals because the Nominal lack a known collection locale.

Location : Near Chazuta, Peru
Origin in Captivity: Understory Enterprises 2007 onwards
Notes : A legally exported counterpart to Intermedius, but with locale data. Do not interbreed with Intermedius. Many Europeans refer to their Intermedius as Chazuta, but many of these animals are actually Intermedius.

6- Banded :

Location : Probablysouth bank of Huallaga Canyon, Peru
Origin in Captivity:Europe
Notes : Mimics Ranitomeya summersi by having beautiful orange lines from side to side over a black background - pattern continued on legs. At present, there are no representatives of this morph of legal origin in captivity, nor is their collection locality known, though it is likely a small area on the south bank of the Huallaga Canyon. Considered a finicky breeder and harder to come by in the US hobby than, for example Standard Intermedius. Not "related" to Standard Intermedius.
7- Tarapoto :

Location : Around Tarapoto, Peru
Origin in Captivity:Understory and INIBICO 2006 onwards
Notes : As well as the legal Understory and INIBICO line, there are illegally exported lines of unknown locality in Europe and the US (via Europe) that are less metallic and more uniformly orange in coloration than the legal, locality-known imports.
8- Varadero; Veradero; Jeberos; Jerebero; Jarabero; Orange and Blue

Location : 45 minute walk south of Isla Varadero, Peru
Legal Exports: Understory Enterprises 2006 onwards.
Illegal: All other lines as of April 2010.
Notes : First discovered in 2004, this morph is currently one of the most sought after in the dart frog hobby due to the stunning combination of orange, blue and black coloration. It is believed to mimic the orange-blue form (which is actually the nominate form) of Ranitomeya fantastica.
9- Yumbatos; Rayada

Location : Lowlands of north eastern San Martín and adjacent Loreto
Origin in Captivity:Understory Enterprises
Notes : The most common general imitator pattern in the wild, this particular race is rare in the hobby, being first imported by Understory in the last couple of years. Some appear to mimic Ranitomeya lamasi, but as this imitator and R. lamasi do not overlap in range, this morph is imitating the local R. ventrimaculata. This form has front-back yellow stripes on a black background, with blue-gray reticulated legs. Yurimaguensis has the same general pattern but is almost certainly not the same population.
10 - Yurimaguensis :
No photos for this Morph
Location : Unknown
Origin in Captivity:Germany
Notes : Superficially similar to the Yumbatos morph but originating from illegal exports to Europe from an unknown locale. Should not be mixed with Yumbatos.
11- Paranapura :

Other Morphs List :
- www.dendrobates.org/dendrobatoidea/dendrobatidae/dendrobatinae/ranitomeya/ranitomeya-imitator/
Madagascar Dart frogs
Aromobatidae :
South America Dart Frogs - Species
Dendrobatidae :
Ranitomeya genus :
Ranitomeya Species :
1- Ranitomeya imitator ( Mimic poison frog ) , SCHULTE, 1986 :
Part 1 .. Part 2 .. Part 3 .. .. Part 4
2- Ranitomeya amazonica , Schulte, 1999 :
3- Ranitomeya fantastica - The red-headed poison frog - Boulenger, 1884
4- Ranitomeya vanzolinii - the Brazilian poison frog or spotted poison frog- Myers, 1982 :
5- Ranitomeya variabilis - The splash-back poison frog - Zimmermann and Zimmermann, 1988
5- Ranitomeya reticulata - Red-backed poison frog - Boulenger 1884 :
6- Ranitomeya benedicta - blessed poison frog - Brown, Twomey, Pepper,
7-Ranitomeya lamasi - Morales, 1992
Part 1 .. Part 2 .. Part 3 .. .. Part 4
8- Ranitomeya summersi - Summers' poison frog - Brown, Twomey, Pepper, and Sanchez-Rodriguez, 2008
Ranitomeya genus :
Ranitomeya Species :
1- Ranitomeya imitator ( Mimic poison frog ) , SCHULTE, 1986 :
Part 1 .. Part 2 .. Part 3 .. .. Part 4
2- Ranitomeya amazonica , Schulte, 1999 :
3- Ranitomeya fantastica - The red-headed poison frog - Boulenger, 1884
4- Ranitomeya vanzolinii - the Brazilian poison frog or spotted poison frog- Myers, 1982 :
5- Ranitomeya variabilis - The splash-back poison frog - Zimmermann and Zimmermann, 1988
5- Ranitomeya reticulata - Red-backed poison frog - Boulenger 1884 :
6- Ranitomeya benedicta - blessed poison frog - Brown, Twomey, Pepper,
7-Ranitomeya lamasi - Morales, 1992
Part 1 .. Part 2 .. Part 3 .. .. Part 4
8- Ranitomeya summersi - Summers' poison frog - Brown, Twomey, Pepper, and Sanchez-Rodriguez, 2008