5- Water garden & ponds other equipment and supplies :
There is alot of fittings for piping and tubing can be used to connect and to make all types of plumbing systems of your pond .. you can click here for more :
- www.thepondguy.com/category/water-gardens-fish-ponds-plumbing-fixtures
- www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/pond-hose-fittings
- www.koicarp.org.uk/koi_plumbing.htm
- pondinformer.com/advice/guide-to-pond-pipe-fittings-connectors-valves/
- www.swelluk.com/pond/pipework-fittings-60/
- store.aquascapeinc.com/c/pipe-and-pond-plumbing_fittings-adapters-and-couplings
1- De-icers & Heaters :
Cold winter temperatures create a solid layer of ice on the pond's surface. Maintaining an open hole in the ice with a pond de-icer will allow for proper gas exchange.
Getting Ready For The Cold
courtesy to : www.macarthurwatergardens.com/Articles/Getting-ready-for-cold2.shtml
As the days grow shorter, our fish know winter is coming. It doesn’t matter if you live in New Hampshire or in Florida, Alaska or Australia; the fish are one with their environment. I’ve noticed a slight cooling in the air myself lately and I moved to SW Florida so to not have to deal with winters. I can put on a sweater or jacket. My fish cannot. Their metabolism will begin to slow down as the water temperatures drop.
One of the biggest dangers is fluctuating water temperatures in spring and fall. One day the air temperature will be in the 70’s and 80’s and the next it can drop to 50’s and 60’s. If your pond is shallow, the fish will be feeling every slight change in temperature. Deeper ponds will be much more stable at this time of year. Many people resort to using the floating de-icers as soon as temperatures begin to dip into the 50’s at night to better stabilize the pond water temperatures. Remember, it’s the water temperature, not the air that you need to use as gauge for your fish. Temperature fluctuations will stress your fish and stressed fish will eventually become sick.

Feeding stressed fish is not advisable. The fish need a clean pond and will use their stored energies to maintain their immune systems. This is a priority over eating. When the water temperatures drop to the low 70’s, it’s a good idea to switch to Wheat Germ food which is easier to digest. The high protein foods will take more energy to process, thereby using more fuel than it gives. Your fish need their immune system as they face a slowing metabolism, when any parasites will still be active at the same temperatures. Another good reason for reduced feeding will be the good-guy bacteria in the pond… it also will slow down as temperatures drop. It cannot adjust on a daily basis if you get an 80F day after a cold snap. So, by feeding on the 80F day, you may be dooming your fish to an ammonia and /or nitrite spike shortly thereafter.
On the other hand, if you prefer to feed your fish all year around, you may choose to heat it through one of the proven heating methods on the market today. Covering the pond to prevent air cooling will be helpful in conserving energy.
If I had to choose the most important thing to remember in fall it would be a clean pond. A clean pond is the safest way to over winter your finned pets. The filter can remain operational or be minimized to simply circulate water, thereby distributing oxygen to all areas of the pond. Microbe-Lift/Autumn Winter Prep will continue to clean your pond throughout the winter. Protection from falling leaves is very helpful to maintain cleanliness. Salt will lower the freezing temperature, but will not “warm” the pond, so it is not helpful in safeguarding your fish from the cold. Just give your fish a nice clean “bed” to sleep in this year!
Winterizing Your Pond :
courtesy to : www.macarthurwatergardens.com/Articles/pond_winterizing.html
For many parts of the country, it's getting to be that time of year again. Time to start thinking about getting your fish and plants ready for old man winter...

Every year, as the weather gets colder and we start heading into winter, many of our customers ask us how to prepare their ponds for winter. Pond owners should be aware of several simple things to do in preparing their ponds for colder months
Fish and plants need very different things in the winter, but can be kept in top condition for the following season if the appropriate steps are taken (see related articles).
Fish should be fed less, floating annuals should be thrown out, potted hardy plants should be cut down and moved to the bottom of the pond, filters should be cleaned & drained, and pumps shut off.
Another good practice that we recommend is to do a partial pond cleaning and water change. It's not necessary to drain the pond completely, but we recommend draining 25% - 50% of the water and net out or remove as much organic debris as possible (IE: leaves, plants, etc.)
The reason for this is because rotting leaves, dead plant material, and other organic wastes will give off toxic gasses as they decay during the winter. This can be especially dangerous if the pond is allowed to freeze over.
A thick layer of ice can easily form over the pond in sub-freezing temperatures, which can prevent these gasses from escaping from the pond. If allowed to build up, your fish will suffer. The most likely result will be a weakened immune system, and a more vulnerable fish you will have come spring time.
Anything you can do to reduce stress on your fish prior to and during winter, will pay off handsomely in the Spring. Your fish will be much more vibrant and healthy.
Another important reason not to let your pond ice-over is because the oxygen levels in the pond water can drop to dangerous levels. By keeping the pond surface from freezing over, or by at least keeping a 2' - 3' hole in the ice, you can eliminate or greatly reduce these dangers.
Oxygen levels should be maintained during winter if at all possible. If you have a standard aquarium air pump - plug it in outside and let it run all winter.
We also recommend maintaining your salt levels during winter. This keeps your fish's slime coat strong, and immune systems strong all winter long!
Examples : ( click here to find alot of models )
300 Watts of Heating Power
• Extremely Energy Efficient
• Effective to-20F or -28C
• 15' Power Cord
• 3 year manufacturer warranty
• UL approved
- Thermo-Pond Heater/De-Icer :
The manufacturer says that this is "The World's only energy efficient pond heater! Thermo-Pond is a unique patent-pending pond heater that keeps a hole through the ice in backyard ponds for just pennies a day. In fact, Thermo-Pond can save you up to $30.00 a month in electricity!
Just think, Thermo-Pond pays for itself in as little as 2 months. That's important,

especially with today's soaring energy prices and in some cases, shortages. Thermo-Pond allows toxic gases to escape all winter long. Allowing that gas exchange can save the lives of the fish living under the ice.
Thermo-Pond has been tested in the Northwoods of Wisconsin at temperatures dipping down past 30 degrees below Zero Fahrenheit." Thermo-Pond floats on top of the water and is thermostatically controlled to never get hot. Unlike some other heaters, Thermo-Pond will never burn a pond liner or plastic pond. The hole in the top of the Thermo-Pond allows toxic gasses to escape all winter long. Allowing that gas exchange can save the lives of the fish living under the ice.
- Thermo-Pond Perfect Climate 250 Watt Pond De-Icer / Pond Heater
The Thermo-Pond Perfect Climate 250 Watt Pond De-Icer is the first pond de-icer designed with all ponds in mind, both small and large. Protect your fish from toxic gas buildup under the surface of your frozen pond with this floating pond de-icer. The Thermo-Pond Perfect Climate 250 Watt Pond De-Icer is designed to keep a small area of open water in winter ponds. The electric pond de-icer is thermostatically controlled and all heating elements are enclosed so they will not harm or burn your pond liner.
The Thermo-Pond Perfect Climate 250 Watt Pond De-Icer has a detachable float that will keep the de-icer on the surface of the water. This will help protect your fish from toxic gas buildup by maintaining a hole in the surface ice for proper gas exchange.
K & H Thermo Pond Perfect Climate 250 Watt Pond De-Icer with Float Ring

Which Thermo-Pond Perfect Climate Pond De-Icer should you use? You can save money and energy by buying a de-icer suited to your local climate. All you need to know is your temperature zone and how many gallons your pond holds.
2- Pond Misters & Foggers :

Create a swirling fog in your indoor or outdoor fountain! No need for dry ice. Our electrical foggers just use water.
We carry a wide selection of indoor and outdoor water foggers with 1, 3, 5, and 9 disks (jets) of fog. Each disk has the capacity to create about 12 to 18 inches of fog. So for instance, the 3 Disk Fogger will create enough fog to cover an area a bit larger than 3 feet in diameter--a 3 foot circle.
The one disk foggers with LED lights are also the replacement forggers for the misting fountains with lights such as the Mist of Dreams and Magical Sky fountains with glass bowls with the hole. They both have the rubber plug on the cord that plugs up the hole in your fountain bowl.
Enjoy these benefits from our foggers:
Create humidity
Clean and purify the air
Create fragrance in the air when used with pure essential scented oils (one drop only please)
Excellent (when used with timer) to make natural cloud mist for germinating and growing orchids.
Examples :
Great for Halloween cauldrons!
With our LED fogger, you can easily control the lights and fog with the inline (on the cord) switch. See above photo and click on it to enlarge.
The 10-mode controller allows you to change the settings/modes from:
On to off
Auto fading rotating colors
Lights change from red to blue to yellow
Set on just one light color.
Control the speed that the lights change colors.
Fog and mist only with no lightsFogging Unit:
1-3/4" Diameter x 1-3/4" High including the water sensor bar
1/2" plug (stopper) between the switch and fogging unit.
Length to the connecting transformer: 54"Transformer Specs:
UL Listed
OutPut: AC 24V 1050mA
Length of cord to the plug: 6'-2"
Replacement Disk Size: 5/8" Diameter--20mm (about the size of a nickel).90 day warranty.

Temporarily out of stock. Case and half-case orders are still available. See below the bottom of the accessory box of items.
The ultrasonic mist maker fountain fogger provides fog, mist and added humidity for indoor fountains when placed in water. It also cleans and purifies the air and is a great aromatherapy diffuser.
Please click on above photo for enlargement.
We guarantee the Mist Maker for 1 YEAR if it is properly cleaned as per the instructions and only used for 8 hours at a time and then turned off to cool off the transformer.
This Mist Maker utilizes electrical oscillation at ultrasonic frequencies. The ceramic changes electrical oscillation into mechanical oscillation, which creates the mist and water spray. This oscillation also produces negative ions, which help to freshen the air.
The mister will automatically shut off when the water is too low. 1-1/2" to 2" of water is an ideal operating depth, although it will work in up to 4" of water. Fogger will ultrasonically vaporize about 1 quart of water in 4 to 5 hours. For indoor use only.
Water rate: approx. 80ml per hour. Fog fills up a 12 inch diameter container about 4 to 5 inches high.
Dimensions: 1- 3/4" tall, 1-1/2" diameter
Certificate of CE (EMC)/GS/UL/CSA
AC Adaptor: Input voltage: A/C 24V, Input electrical current: <1.2A
Transformer: Input Voltage: 120V, 60 Hz, Output voltage:A/C 24V, Output electric current: 900mm A, Cord length: 5' 4"
Millileters per hour: 80
Fogger wattage: 24w
**Tip: We recommend using distilled water to extend the life of the disk within the unit.
**Tip: Use the key tool to unscrew the fogger disk to clean with a soft, clean cloth.

3- Super High Output 12 Head Pond Fogger by Fountain Emporium MM012
This item does not ship to United Arab Emirates. Please check other sellers who may ship internationally.
Super High Output 12 jet Mist Maker
Great for generating mist in pond, waterfalls, big water fountains.
No chemicals needed. Completely safe!
Fogger size 6"(dia) x 2 1/2"(h), cord length 32ft

3- Aeration
Aeration systems promote oxygen which is the lifeline to every ecosystem. With the use of a pond aerator, or small pond aeration system, water is circulated to increase dissolved oxygen levels. Water garden and fish pond aerators can also be used in the winter months to keep a hole open in the ice.
Importance of water garden Aeration ..
Why Aerate Your Water Garden :
courtesy to : www.thepondguy.com/product/learning-center-wg-why-aerate/learning-center-wg-aeration#
When the sun goes down, fish and plants both use dissolved oxygen in your pond water. Aeration systems ensure oxygen levels stay high day and night to keep your fish, plants, and pond ecosystem healthy. Subsurface aeration, like The Pond Guy® Water Garden Aeration Kit, works from the bottom up, circulating the water and infusing oxygen into the pond. If you do not already have an aeration system, here are six great reasons why you should consider adding aeration into your pond.

1- Limitations of Water Features – Most water gardens rely solely on waterfalls, fountains, or spitters to circulate and aerate the water. These units can be effective; however, they are only adding oxygen to the top portions of the water. This leaves many areas of the pond, especially the bottom, untouched allowing for the accumulation of organic debris. Using a properly sized aerator, like the Airmax® PondAir™ or KoiAir™ Aeration Kits, starts moving the water at the bottom of the pond, allowing for improved circulation and dissolved oxygen levels.
2-Beneficial Bacteria – Like your fish, beneficial bacteria are aerobic and need oxygen to survive. These bacteria consume the excess nutrients in your pond which act as fertilizer for algae growth. Aeration makes these bacteria work harder to clean up your pond leading to a cleaner pond with less build-up in the water column or at the bottom of the pond – which is something your fish will thank you for.
3-Winter Water Quality – Though your fish and filtration system go dormant for the winter, the organic debris will continue to decompose and release gas into the water column. When ice is formed completely over the pond, the gasses become trapped, replacing the oxygen and leading to a fatal situation for your fish. Heaters and de-icers keep a hole open in the ice to allow for ventilation, but they are not able to circulate the pond to move those gasses out. In comes aeration, providing a continual supply of oxygen. Additionally, moving all that water also helps to discourage ice formation, which means that you can use a smaller wattage de-icer and reduce your energy costs.
4-Saves Money – Aeration systems are energy efficient and can help you cut down on your energy bill. These systems are designed to run 24/7, yet only cost a few bucks per month. Rather than running a costly waterfall pump all the time, use it only when you are there to enjoy it and rely on a properly sized aeration system to keep the dissolved oxygen levels raised. This small change is not only better for your fish, but can save you hundreds of dollars each year.
5-Reduced Maintenance – In conjunction with proper filtration, adding aeration will keep your pond cleaner longer. This means you can spend more time relaxing around your pond rather than cleaning it.
6- Fish Love it – Your fish will gather around and enjoy the bubbles coming from the diffusers. With all the benefits that an aeration system can provide, you pond will become a balanced ecosystem that will make any fish happy.
Examples :
- AirPro Diaphragm Compressor, Pond Aerator - 1/20 Acre Pond
At Living Water Aeration, we bring high quality manufacturing together with affordable prices!
Our aerator pump PA10W quickly boosts oxygen levels and can even be used as a de-icer in the wintertime.
click here for more information ..

- KLC Koi Pond Aerators - 1000 to 7500 gallon ponds :
Give your pond some Koi Loving Care!
Ensure adequate oxygen and circulation during hot summer months
De-icing capability during freezing months
Dual linear diaphragm compressor provides maximum air output
Quiet and energy efficient
Safe for fish, pets and family with no electricity in the water
3 year limited warranty on compressor
Uses only 23 watts!
For ponds 1000-7500 gallons (Fish load, filtration capacity and other factors affect actual pond maximum pond size)
Maximum depth 6'
1.3 cfm
Kit includes:
KLC25 compressor with 6' power cord
One rubber membrane diffuser
25' of 3/8" Quick Sink tubing
Connectors and fittings
websites :
- www.watergarden.org/Pond-Info/Aeration-Basics
- www.thepondguy.com/category/water-gardens-fish-ponds-aeration
- www.clearpond.com.au/how-to/how-to-maintain/pond-aeration
4- Pond Netting
From covering your pond from leaves and predators to skimming out debris, your pond need to covered with the right tools for the job.

Pond Netting
What is it and what do I do with it?
Many new pond owners don't know about pond and leaf netting, many seasoned pond owners use it but aren't real sure why, and even many of those who know why don't necessarily know how. It's time to add some clarity to the issue of pond netting.
It's actually pretty simple. The primary reason for using netting over the pond is to keep leaves out of the water. (Netting can also be used to protect fish from predators. While that is another issue altogether, the anchoring section of this article is still relevant for this need.) But, the question may still linger, "Why do we need to keep the leaves out of our ponds?"
Obviously leaves covering the bottom of the pond look bad, but that is far from the main issue. As these leaves begin to decompose they release many compounds that put the lives of your fish at risk and promote algae growth. Pond keepers that have fish die in the winter often attribute it to the cold, but in actuality this fish loss is usually due to the leaf buildup in the pond. It may be possible to remove some of the leaves after they are in the pond and before they decay, but you can't get all of them and keeping them out is far easier.
You will find several options when choosing your leaf netting. The most obvious difference will be in the overall length and width. But, you also want to choose a netting with the proper mesh size. Simply put, what size are the holes? When using the pond netting for predator control a large mesh will suffice. For leaf prevention, you will want to look at what size the leaves that may reach the pond will be. Consider not only what size the leaf is when it has freshly fallen but what size it will be when it dries and shrivels.
Once the mesh size has been selected and the overall netting size determined, it becomes time to install the netting over the pond. There are more ways to do this then one might think. The simplest and most common installation method is to just stretch the netting across the pond and secure with rocks or tent stakes. By using PolyClips you can relieve stress on the netting when using stakes. You can also use the clips to tie fishing line from the clip to a stake, tree, etc. Ensure that the net is above the water surface and ideally would stay above even with the weight of a few leaves. This also helps prevent leaf decay in the water and keeps fish from possibly becoming entangled in the net. Placing a length of rigid PVC across the middle or floating a beach ball can help keep the netting off the water surface. The leaf netting can also be attached to frames made of PVC pipe with cable ties and lay these across the pond for easier leaf removal. We also have Pond & Garden Protectors that are made of leaf netting built onto a domed framework.
With the netting down, leaves will collect and need to be removed regularly. Avoid letting the leaves stay too long as they may tear the netting as they get wet and heavy. If you have attached the netting to PVC frames, simply lift them over to dump the leaves off. It the pond netting is staked or tied, remove one side and flip it over to the opposite side. This usually takes two people. Some people choose to use a leaf blower to remove leaves that have collected on the netting.

Preventing leaf buildup in the pond will not only allow your fish to have a safer and healthier winter but enable to the pond to be off to a better start the following spring.
Again, since netting is also used for predator control and winter means no plants on the pond surface for fish to hide under, most pond keepers choose to leave the netting on the pond until spring.

5- Plumbing & Fixtures :
From plumbing tubing and fittings to check valve assembly, these pond plumbing products will make your water flow!
- Tubing :
- Flexible Black Vinyl Tubing

Great For Spitter, Fountains & Statuary
Protected For Sunlight Exposure
Flexible For Easy Plumbing
Flexible Black Vinyl Tubing is perfect for plumbing small decorative fountains, water features, spitters & statuary. Unlike clear vinyl tubing, a solid black wall protects against the sunlight exposure that encourages algae formation in your plumbing. While Flexible Black Vinyl Tubing can be covered by mulch and brush, we do not recommend burying it underground. Maximum flow rate for 3/8 inch vinyl tubing is 150 GPH.
Secure your Flexible Vinyl Tubing with Stainless Hose Clamps.

For examples click below ..
- www.thepondguy.com/product/flexible-black-vinyl-tubing-three-eighths-inch/tubing
- Flexible Kink Free Tubing :
Great For Water Gardens & Features
Most Popular Tubing On The Marketing
Flexible For Easy Plumbing
Flexible Kink-Free Tubing is the most widely used tubing in water features and gardens. It is heavy-duty and guaranteed not to kink. Flexible Kink-Free Tubing is flexible enough to make the job easy and can withstand being buried. Maximum flow rate for 3/4" tubing is 900 GPH.
Flexible Kink-Free Tubing with Stainless Hose Clamps.

- Piping :
Rigid pipes ca be used in the large size projects and also with concerete bottom ponds
UPVC pipes usually used with it's fittings with different size ..
However the liner ponds normally used the flexible tubing as above ..

- Fittings :
Alot of fittings and accessories used to build an effective plumbing system
- Valves : click here
- Check valve :

Swing Check Valve Prevents Backflow
Rated 125 PSI
Corrosion Resistant
Engineered for maximum flow, quick response and positive shutoff. The PVC Sch 40 Slip x Slip swing check valves are designed for horizontal installations, but may be installed in up-flow only vertical installations. Check valves MUST be installed with the valves FLOW arrow pointing in the direction of the flow. Do not install upside down. Available in the following sizes: 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2", 3", and 4"

Must Have For Using PVC Fittings
Full Cure In 12 Hours
Screw On Lid For Multiple Uses
Premier™ All Purpose PVC Primer & Glue is a must have when installing PVC plumbing and fittings. All Purpose PVC Primer cleans and prepares contact surfaces for All Purpose PVC Glue which creates permanent water-tight bonds in your PVC connections. Premier PVC cement and primer is completely safe for your fish, plants and pets once dry. Each can of All Purpose PVC Glue & Primer contains 4 fluid ounces of product. Both PVC Glue and Primer include a screw on lid for multiple uses.
Bulk heads work great anywhere you need a leak proof seal. Use on liners, tanks, drains, etc. Provides female threads on both sides of the seal.

Waterfalls , Ponds & water Gardens
Water gardens , Ponds & water features books & Magazines
Watergarden creatures : Plants .. Fish .. Turtles
Watergardens components and supplies ..
2- Water garden pond shaping materials :
. Soft material ( Liner ) 1 2 . Hard material ( Concrete and plastic ) 1 2
3- Water garden pond Filtration :
Therory , ideas and articles 1 2 Water gardens and pond material list 1 2
Ponds lights : Types & examples :
5- Water garden & ponds other equipment and supplies : PART ONE .. PART TWO
Watergardens components and supplies ..
2- Water garden pond shaping materials :
. Soft material ( Liner ) 1 2 . Hard material ( Concrete and plastic ) 1 2
3- Water garden pond Filtration :
Therory , ideas and articles 1 2 Water gardens and pond material list 1 2
Ponds lights : Types & examples :
5- Water garden & ponds other equipment and supplies : PART ONE .. PART TWO