2- Water garden pond shaping materials :
After we choosing the pump according to the size of the pond and water feature (s) that you want to create .. the next step is form or shape the pond ..
Usually we need the material to lay it down and cover the earth surface after we dig it
this material will avoid any water leaks to the ground and saving the water, you just need to add some water daily or weekly to substitute the water evaporated - in both cases if you are going to build indoor or outdoor pond ..
Like the pump (s), these materials are very important and must buy to build you project
Usually divided into two types:
1. Soft material (Like plastic sheet or Liner)
2- Hard material (Like plastic or concrete container or pool
Let us discover it with some details to smartly select what you want to build..
1. Soft material ( Liner ) :
what is linear ?
A pond liner is an impermeable geomembrane used for retention of liquids, including the lining of reservoirs, retention basins, hazardous and nonhazardous surface impoundments, garden ponds and artificial streams in parks and gardens.

Why do I need a pond liner?
The first stage of any pond project is excavation (digging a hole!). The next process is to cover the excavation with a pond liner. A pond liner is simply a waterproof fabric that keeps the pond water in the hole. A pond liner is essential as without it the water would simply seep into the ground.
Type of Pond liner :
1- LDPE Flexiliner Pond Liners
LDPE refer to Low density poly ethelne the material used
Benefits of LDPE Liner :
- Highly economical : the best value pond lining
- Tearproof :if the liner is damaged during installation a small puncture will not 'run' and create a bigger problem
- Lightweight :easy to move into position
- Highly flexible : easy to bed down into corners and tricky shapes
- Range : Available in a massive range of over 90 sizes
- Watertight :Proven to remain watertight for many years - this confidence reflected in the long guarantees we provide with this product
2- HDPE Pond Liner
High Density Polyethelene (HDPE) pond liners are made from Reinforced Polyethylene (RPE), one of the most affordable and effective geomembrane liner materials on the market today, with some of the best physical characteristics in the liner industry. RPE has unmatched puncture and tear resistance compared to other geomembranes available. Reinforced Polyethylene originally was used primarily for tarps & covers but was later found to be a perfect fit as pond liner material, which increasingly call for HDPE geomembrane liner materials. RPE is now being used more often for secondary containment applications as well such as in the fracking industry on containment rigs due to its high chemical resistance properties.

3- Reinforced Polyethylene (RPE) Liners
RPE liners are considered one of the most durable pond liners available, lasting up to 40 years with excellent puncture resistance. In many cases, RPE liners don't even need a protective underlayment because of their higher strength. Another advantage of RPE is they can be produced in very large sizes because of their light weight, up to 60,000 sq ft in a single panel in the case of our Premium Grade RPE Pond Liner. However, a possible disadvantage to RPE liners is that they are slightly less bendable to work with compared with some other flexible liners like EPDM rubber. This is only a slight disadvantage if a pond has a lot of sharp bends and corners that require a ton of folding and pleatingr. Even then, it's usually not that big of a deal, and we still opt for RPE because of it's higher strength and durability. One thing to remember when buying any liner, is that you have to be careful about who you buy the liner from. Not all liners are created equal. Our Premium Grade RPE liners are guaranteed to be fish and plant safe, and come with a 25 year warranty. In addition to ponds and lakes, RPE is commonly used as an indistrial liner as well.

4- Rubber Pond Liners ( The most widely used) :
Both EPDM Pond Liners and Butyl Pond Liners are synthetic rubber liners.
Butyl has a higher natural rubber content and is highly regarded by professional pond builders. Unfortunately, the polymer used in creating this pond lining is in high demand across other product sectors (eg, car tyres) - this has resulted in the product becoming prohibitively expensive.
We still offer our customers Butyl rubber as many projects include this item during the specification process. However, the pond market in general has moved towards EPDM Rubber. Although slightly different in it's manufactured chemical make-up with EPDM you have a product which looks and feels almost identical yet is substantially cheaper to produce and purchase. Fortunately EPDM actually offers better characteristics than Butyl.
If you are looking for reassurance then our thickest and heaviest rubber pond liners are made by Firestone.Firestone EPDM Pond Liners are 1.02mm thick and are designed to last. However, it is worth noting that this fabric though more puncture resistant is harder to move into position when addressing the contours of your pond.
Rubber lining is something of a commodity product. Prices shift due to market forces as the polymers used in their construction are required by a host of competing industries. In 2012 Firestone was the best value for money but recent increases mean that we go into 2013 with EPDM as the value rubber solution.

- Pond Liner Underlays
Please do not neglect the need for lining your pond with underlay before you introduce the liner.
The purpose of an underlay is to protect the liner from pressures both above and below the surface. They provide a cushioned surface to prevent sharp stones puncturing the liner when the weight of the pond water comes to bear on the fabric. (In even the smallest ponds remember that 1000 litres of water weighs 1 tonne - in a large pond to the liner has to take the weight of many tonnes).
Also your pond is at risk from danger from below as roots from garden plants can continue to grow unseen under the pond and push through the liner at a later date. A good underlay acts as a barrier to deter such problems.
Here at pondkeeper we offer our basic underlay which is highly popular and low-cost. This is a 'finishing' underlay - a light fabric that takes the edge off sharp stones and grit. It is recommended for small ponds where conditions are relatively smooth - ie, a clay/soil base.
In larger projects or where conditions are poor (stoney ground) then our pond fleece pond liner underlay is popular. This is a far thicker 200gsm fabric which offers much better protection.
If you have particularly poor ground with an unlevel base then consider first lining with sand. Compact the sand until the surface is smooth and then use pond fleece underlay to protect the sides and base. The sides of your pond should still be smooth and even but come under less pressure than the pond base area.
Some customers are surprised to find that pond liner underlay is not supplied as a single sheet. But this is typical in the pond market as underlay needs to be supplied in so many different sizes to match the liners but it does not need to be in one piece. We supply our underlay in 2x5m and 2x8m pieces.

Before you can apply any type of pond liner adhesive, you must clean the area. The adhesive won't stick well if the area is dirty. Drain the pond below the level of the damaged area, which might mean draining it completely if the hole is in the bottom of the pond. Jagged pieces of liner can make wrinkles in your patch, so cut around the edges of the damage, making the edges as neat as possible. Acetone works well to clean the area because it removes dirt and residue. It also dries quickly, letting you move on to the patching faster.
examples :
- QuickPrime Plus :
QuickPrime Plus is used to treat and clean your EPDM Pond Liner before splicing or seaming.

- Pond Liner accessories :
1- Glue , Adhesives and sealents ..
used to attach two pieces or more for large scale projects or fix some damaged parts in liner ..
alot of products available in the market you can choose from
here areview with link for some of them
but before you using the glue you need to clean and perpare the surface of liner before that by using a conditioner or cleaner like the below :
Firestone ( the rubber and tyre comapy is on the top of the Liner products and accessories ) ..
Activator :
Most pond liner adhesives require an activator, also called a seam primer, to work properly. When you cut a piece of extra liner to cover the hole, lay it in place and trace it with a piece of chalk so you know where to put the activator. Activators are usually applied with a paintbrush or foam brush, and you must apply the activator to the existing liner inside the chalk line and the patch. Let it sit for about 15 minutes until the activator becomes tacky so it can help the adhesive securely.
Example :
- Anjon EPDM Primer/Activator :
Anjon EPDM Primer/Activator assists the adhesive in bonding better, so it is perfect for seaming or sealing applications. Use primer to clean rubber liners first, before applying an adhesive for bonding liners.
Note: Thoroughly stir this primer before use. This primer may be applied with a brush. Only apply an adhesive when primed surface of liner appears dry.

Tape Primer Also known as tape activator. It should always be used to prepare the membrane area to be taped. Improves tape adhesion.

Tape or Glue :
Pond adhesive comes in the form of tape or glue. For double-sided liner tape, cut it to fit, using small, overlapping pieces to go around a round repair. Peel off one side of the backing and press it in place on the liner, covering the activator. Once the area around the damage is covered on the liner, peel off the top layer of covering on the double-sided tape and press the patch in place, going over it with a hand roller to make sure it's fully adhered. If you're using glue, spread it over the activator with a paintbrush or squirt it in zigzag lines.
Examples :
- Firestone Bonding Adhesive - 5 Gallons
Firestone Bonding Adhesive is designed for bonding a Firestone PondGard EPDM Pond Liner or a Firestone 45 mil EPDM Pond Liner to wood, metal, masonry and other acceptable substrates. This pond liner glue is extremely effective and has exceptional bonding capabilities.
- Bondline Latex Bonding Adhesive
Latex Bonding Adhesive (water based) Waterbased bonding adhesive for bonding epdm to wood.
Seam Cover Tape :
To fully protect the patch, top it with seam cover tape. This tape is similar to the double-sided seam tape, but it's adhesive on only one side and usually wider than the double-sided seam tape. Paint on the activator and press the seam cover tape on firmly once the activator becomes tacky. The hand roller can make sure it's evenly adhered, removing any air bubbles.
Examples :
- Firestone QuickSeam 6" Cover Strip
Firestone QuickSeam Cover Strip is a wide semi-cured EPDM and QuickSeam Tape laminate designed to cover and seal seams.
- Anjon Double-Sided EPDM Seam Tape
Anjon Double-Sided EPDM Seam Tape is designed for field splicing EPDM liner panels. This double-sided seam tape works best sandwiched between two overlapped pieces of liner. It is recommended to use a liner primer before peeling the paper cover off and applying the self-adhesive seam tape.
- Caulk :
For the final adhesive that creates the first line of defense against a leaking patch, coat the outer edge of the seam cover tape with rubber sealant, which usually comes in caulk form. Squeeze a bead along the tape edges. Rubber sealant for ponds is usually black, but you can find it in clear, green or other colors to match your liner and help the patch blend in.
Examples :
A rubber based sealant used to seam exposed membrane edges to provide additional waterproofing protection. It can also be used as a quick applied sealant to repair punctures to PondGard membrane. 11 oz. tube seals approximately 20 lineal feet and is applied using a standard caulking gun. Advanced formula has better waterproofing capabilities. 28 tubes per case.
A rubber based sealant used to seam exposed membrane edges to provide additional waterproofing protection. It can also be used as a quick applied sealant to repair punctures to PondGard membrane. 11 oz. tube seals approximately 20 lineal feet and is applied using a standard caulking gun. Advanced formula has better waterproofing capabilities.
- Other Glues , Adhesives and sealents :
- Firestone QuickScrubber Kit :
Quickscrubber Kit makes easy application of Firestone QuickPrime Plus.
The Firestone QuickScrubber Kit includes 30 scrub pads and 4 holders that allow the installer to apply QuickPrime Plus when seaming two sections of PondGard EPDM liner. Attach the pads to the holder quickly and easily using the small securing hooks on the bottom of the holder.
Tools used to seal press the above materials :
Firestone Silicone Rollers are ideally suited for mating two layers of PondGard EPDM liner while seaming with the QuickSeam products or when using a splice adhesive. This hand roller features a heavy silicone head spinning freely on smooth running, enclosed bearings and a 5" comfort-grip handle with a wood core.

- Firestone QuickScrubber Plus Kit :
Firestone QuickScrubber Plus Kit is a NATURAL OXYGEN BASED product that debris from rocks, waterfalls, streams and anywhere else build-up has occurred. If used regularly you could help eliminate the need for annual pond cleanouts.
The Firestone QuickScrubber Plus Kit contains no harmful detergents or other chemicals. Kit includes 4 handles and 20 pads.
- Firestone 2" Drive Pin - 50 ct :
Firestone Coated Drive Pin Fastener is a compression type fastener for use with acceptable substrates such as hollow or solid concrete block, masonry, or structural concrete.
When used in accordance with all with all Firestone Specialty Products specifications and details, it can be used to:
Attach Firestone Termination Bar subject to Firestone membrane termination details.
Attach Firestone Metal Batten Strips or 2" Seam plates in vertical applications.
Firestone Termination Bar and Batten Strips must be installed to sound and solid substrate. The substrate must be clean, dry and free of foreign materials and contaminants. Pre-drill hole in substrate to receive fastener with 1/4" dia. masonry drill bit.
- Firestone Termination Bar - 10' :
Firestone Termination Bar is intended for attaching and sealing flashing terminations as outlined by Firestone Specialty Products Specifications and Details.
Firestone Termination Bar Method of Application
Install Firestone Water Block Seal behind top of flashing. Anchor bar through pre-punched holes at a rate to maintain a seal (max 12" o.c.)
Remove excess flashing material above bottom of lap sealant reservoir channel. Install Firestone Lap Sealant into reservoir channel to seal the upper edge of the EPDM pond liner where appropriate.
Consult Firestone Specialty Products specifications and details for specifics.

Note: The QuickRoller cannot be used on seams or QuickSeam Batten Cover Strip on Mechanically Attached Roofing Systems.
Method of Application:
Rolling the QuickSeam R.M.A. Strip - After the membrane has been installed over the QuickSeam R.M.A. Strip in accordance with the Firestone QuickBond System specifications, roll the QuickSeam R.M.A. Strip lengthwise, starting from the center and moving out to the outside edge, doing one side at a time. Roll in a back and forth motion covering 2' - 3' maximum. Roll each side until the full width of the QuickSeam R.M.A. Strip is rolled, and then proceed another 2' - 3' until the full length is rolled.
Rolling QuickSeam Reinforced Perimeter Fastening Strip (QSRPF) - QSRPD Strip is rolled starting next to the wall or roof edge and rolling lengthwise in the same manner as the QuickSeam R.M.A. Strip, except there is only one strip of tape to roll.
Rolling the Seam - Note: when making the seam, leave 1/2" to 1" of membrane on the backside of the seam free of tape. After the 3" wide QuickSeam Splice Tape has been installed in accordance with the Firestone System Specifications, roll the seam as shown in Steop 1: Start at the back side and roll along it's length towards the outside edge in a back and forth motion, 2' - 3' at a time. Continue rolling lengthwise to the outside edge. Only roll 2' - 3' at a time, until the whole seam is rolled.

- Firestone QuickSeam Pipe Flashing :
Securely seal any piping into your water feature with the Firestone Quickseam Pipe Boot Flashing.
This flashing features a 13.25" diameter flange with an adhesive backing for secure installation. Add the stainless steel worm gear clamping ring to the flange at the necessary interval. This flashing will fit pipe with a 1" outer diameter to a 6.87" outer diameter.
Keep your pond fittings secure with the Quickseam Pipe Boot Flashing.

- Black Waterfall Foam- 29 oz- Requires Foam Gun :
Direct water over and around waterfall rocks for a fuller more beautiful effect to your waterfall or stream with Black Waterfall Foam. The expansion of the black waterfall foam make it great for filling voids and cracks between rocks. Since it sticks to almost anything, use it to secure stone edging and contain gravel on bog areas. The Black Waterfall Foam is formulated for the water garden industry to withstand fast flowing water and the debris it carries, UV rays of the sun and will not shrink nor harden.
Requires Foam Dispenser gun (6" Steel/Polymer Dispenser or 7" Steel Dispenser)
Simplifies waterfall construction.
Faster & easier than mortar.
Black color blends into shadows.
Expands to fill gaps and voids.
Directs water flow for more dramatic effects.
Nozzle adapter reaches into tight spaces.
Seals to all common water garden materials.
Will last for years.
Firestone Lap Sealant is designed to seal and mechanically protect the exposed cut edge of QuickSeam Products. Lap Sealant is also used as a general purpose sealant in other applications as specified by current Firestone specifications and details.
The sealant is applied with a mastic gun at the specified location using the plastic nozzle applicator supplied by Firestone, being sure to keep the nozzle applicator centred over the lap step-off. Take care to leave a mound of Lap Sealant directly over the splice edge.
Flammable - Keep away from sources of ignition. Do not smoke when using. For professional use only. Use only in well ventilated areas. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets. Keep out of the reach of children. Recommended cleaner is rubbing alcohol followed by soap and water.
Waterfalls , Ponds & water Gardens
Water gardens , Ponds & water features books & Magazines
Watergarden creatures : Plants .. Fish .. Turtles
Watergardens components and supplies ..
2- Water garden pond shaping materials :
. Soft material ( Liner ) 1 2 . Hard material ( Concrete and plastic ) 1 2
3- Water garden pond Filtration :
Therory , ideas and articles 1 2 Water gardens and pond material list 1 2
Ponds lights : Types & examples :
5- Water garden & ponds other equipment and supplies : PART ONE .. PART TWO
Watergardens components and supplies ..
2- Water garden pond shaping materials :
. Soft material ( Liner ) 1 2 . Hard material ( Concrete and plastic ) 1 2
3- Water garden pond Filtration :
Therory , ideas and articles 1 2 Water gardens and pond material list 1 2
Ponds lights : Types & examples :
5- Water garden & ponds other equipment and supplies : PART ONE .. PART TWO