9- Persicaria Amphibia-Amphibious Bistort :
If you have water in your garden or work with water in a natural environment, Persicaria Amphibium surely deserves a home with you. Sometimes a forgotten and very under-rated plant, Persicaria definitely deserves much more recognition and certainly has earned its place at our nursery.
Polygonum Amphibian is easy to grow and does best when planted straight into natural clay bottomed areas of water. It is so adaptable it can also be grown easily in man-made, lined fibreglass ponds as long as it’s planted into large aquatic baskets of 24cm in diameter or wider. It favours a water depth of 12-24 inches, but will also grow quite happily in water that is up to 4 ft in depth, and has even been known on rare occasions, to grow in water that is up to 8 ft in depth. Once planted, Polygonum Amphibian will establish itself quickly and within a few seasons, produce an abundance of cheery looking, attractive, elongated floating leaves and produce very pretty pink flowers that will stand up out of the water during the months of June until September.
However, this highly underestimated plant has got more going for it than just pretty flowers. Its elongated floating leaves make excellent water surface cover that will block out sunlight and therefore help reduce spring and summer Algae blooms. Also, this plant is excellent at removing nitrates from the water which in turn, will help to combat those dreaded Algae and Blanket Weed problems. Its floating leaves will attract our lovely spring spawning Toads, offer a valuable hiding place for small fish and various other wildlife from any predators, and last but not least, it’s beautiful flowers will attract our hard working bees and other pollinating insects. So, this plant really does have something for everyone.
Flowering Time: May-July
Water Depth: 10-60 cm
Water Violet, British native oxygenating plant with attractive green leaves form a mat under the water, producing dainty small pink flowers that hold them-selves up out of the water. Excellent for oxygenating and maintaining clean healthy pond water and providing a protected environment for small fish and wildlife. Flowering Time May-July. Water depth 10-60cm
Water Violet (Hottonia palustris)
A container grown great native oxygenator, which produces two forms of foliage for above and below the surface of the water, enabling this oxygenator to survive in deep water and on damp ground. It will bear lilac flowers from June to August.
-Plant Type - Oxygenator
-Normally Available from - Mid April *
-Water Depth - 5cm to 80cm
-Height - 5cm to 15cm
-Position - Part Shade
-Growth - Medium
-Flowers - Jun to Aug
-Flower Colour - Lilac
-Container grown
-UK Native
Specific Plant Care:
Little maintenance is required. Remove excess growth if necessary.
General Marginal Care:
All our plants will come potted in aquatic compost. Our 9cm plants come in a solid pot, so will need to be repotted.
The 1ltrs and 3ltrs will come in Finofil aquatic baskets ready to be placed on your pond shelf at the required depth (use bricks to change the depth if required). The mesh pot allows nutrients and oxygen from the pond to flow through the pot without any soil loss.
Each plant also comes with a comprehensive label offering further planting advice.
Water soldiers are very unique floating pond plants because they are winter hardy. As winter approaches, they become less buoyant and sink to the bottom of the pond where they are protected from the ice. When the water warms in the spring they re-surface and begin to grow again. They reproduce by producing small plantlets radiating out from the center of the plant. They provide shade for the pond and shelter for baby fish.
The free-floating Water-soldier rare native aquatic plant which is also grown in garden ponds and often escapes. It can be found mostly in central and eastern England. It grows beneath the water, staying submerged for most of the year. From June to August it surfaces and flowers, displaying white blooms. Like other aquatic plants, it offers resting and sheltering places for aquatic insects like dragonfly and damselfly larvae.
8-Water Soldier (Stratiotes aloides ) :

10- Potamogeton Natans
Water Depth: 10-120 cm
British native plant with olive-red floating leaves. Suitable for most ponds and lakes in full sun, can be invasive. Water Depth 20-120 cm.
Floating pondweed has a circumboreal distribution. It is very common in the north temperate zone and throughout New England. The shape of the floating leaves depends on the speed of the current, with faster current resulting in more elongate the leaves and less cordate leaf bases.
Fresh tidal marshes or flats, lacustrine (in lakes or ponds), riverine (in rivers or streams), shores of rivers or lakes
11-Hottonia Palustris

12-Myriophyllum Propium

Water Depth: 0-30 cm
Spiked Water Milfoil. Unusual spiked foliage. Submerged and part terrestial ( both land and water ) Excellent for oxygenating and maintaining clean and healthy water and providing a protected enviroment for small fish and wildlife. Water Depth 0-30 cm over the soil/crown .
Approximate height: 20cm (8 inches)
Recommended water depth over crown of plant: 0 - 30cm (0 - 12 inches)
Flower: None
Supplied bare root
A British native species. This unusual-looking plant can be grown as a marginal around the edges of the pond with its foliage out of the water, or submerged in the pond as an oxygenator, or a mix of the two (partly submerged). It produces spires of dark-green foliage looking like miniature Christmas trees when growing above the water, while the underwater foliage is a lighter green with an attractive fluffy appearance. In strong sunlight the stems above water will often turn an attractive red colour.
We recommend starting your Hippuris vulgaris off in a pot of 1 litre capacity. Read more on how to pot and care for your plant here.
13- Marestail. - Hippuris vulgaris :

A good choice for the smaller pond, as this plant does not become invasive. It produces long, wiry stems, with wavy-edged, strap-like leaves, that are red in sunlight, but tend to stay green in poorer light conditions. In early summer, small, pinky-white flowers are produced, held just above the water.
14- POTAMOGETON CRISPUS (Curled pondweed)

15-Potomogeton Malainus

Water Depth: 10-45 cm
Oxygenating plant with olive coloured leaves that float on the surface. Great for colonising newts as they love to lay their eggs folded up in the leaves. Suitable for ponds, small lakes and streams. Water Depth 10-45 cm over the crown.
Waterfalls , Ponds & water Gardens
Water gardens , Ponds & water features books & Magazines
Watergarden creatures : Plants .. Fish .. Turtles
Pond Plants guide
Ponds Plants Types:
1- Moisture loving/ bog plants ( marginal ) :
Low-Growing Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Medium Height Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Tall Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
3-Water Garden Floating Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2
Water lilies : Part 1 .. Part 2
Water Lotus : Part 1 .. Part 2
4-Submerged Water and Oxygenating Pond Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2
Pond Plants guide
Ponds Plants Types:
1- Moisture loving/ bog plants ( marginal ) :
Low-Growing Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Medium Height Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Tall Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
3-Water Garden Floating Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2
Water lilies : Part 1 .. Part 2
Water Lotus : Part 1 .. Part 2
4-Submerged Water and Oxygenating Pond Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2