7-Butterfly Ginger
Hedychium coronarium
Hardy zones 7 - 10 [See Map]
Growing height: 4-5'.
Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-5" below the water surface.
Thrives in full sun to partial shade.
Lance-shaped leaves can be 12-18" long and 2-5" wide
Fragrant white flowers in late summer. Moderate Bloomer
Native to Himalayas
Also known as; Ginger Lily

Butterfly Ginger, Hedychium coronarium, has one of the most distinctively sweet smelling delicate white flowers of all bog plants. This late summer bloomer is an elegant and very attractive bog plant. The fragrance of its flower carries some distance and is a special addition to bring the smell of summer indoors.
Tropical characteristics make it hardy in zones 8 - 10
Can take full sun or part shade, but more sun promotes more flowering in late summer
In ideal conditions, butterfly ginger can reach heights of 4 ft. - 5 ft. and can be planted in the pond or in the landscape outside your pond
Having this plant already potted in aquatic soil is a huge advantage to its success. The established root system makes an easy transition to your pond
Common Name: white garland-lily
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Zingiberaceae
Native Range: India, Himalaya to Java
Zone: 8 to 10
Height: 3.00 to 6.00 feet
Spread: 2.00 to 3.00 feet
Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer
Bloom Description: White
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium to wet
Maintenance: Medium
Suggested Use: Annual
Flower: Showy, Fragrant
Winter hardy to USDA Zones 8-10. Best grown in organically rich, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Likes hot and humid summers and consistently moist soils. In St. Louis, plant rhizomes in the ground in spring after last frost date. Lift rhizomes in fall and store for winter in slightly moist vermiculite or peat in a cool, dry location. Also may be grown in containers or tubs which should be overwintered indoors in a cool, dry, frost-free location. Containers are best overwintered in greenhouses if available. Containers may be sunk into the ground at the periphery of a water garden or pond.
Noteworthy Characteristics :
Hedychium coronarium, commonly called white ginger lily or garland flower, is perhaps native to the Himalayas but it has been widely cultivated in tropical Asia. It is a rhizomatous tender perennial that may grow to 10’ tall in its native habitat, but more typically grows 3-6’ tall. Features large, lance-shaped, medium green leaves (to 24” long x 5” wide). Fragrant white flowers in dense elliptical racemes (4-8” long) in late summer to early fall. Individual flowers purportedly resemble butterflies, hence the sometimes used common name of butterfly ginger for this species.
Genus name comes from the Greek words hedys meaning sweet and chion meaning snow. The flower of one species is white and fragrant.
Specific epithet means pertaining to garlands.
8-Egyptian Papyrus
Cyperus papyrus
Hardy zones 9-11 [See Map]
Growing height: 5-10 ft.
Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-6" below the water surface.
Thrives in full sun to shade.
Note: due to the height of this Papyrus, most foliage is removed for shipping
Also known as; Paper Reed
Umbrella palm (Cyperus alternifolius) is a tropical plant that is hardy to Zone 7 that can grow to almost six feet in height. In colder climates, umbrella palm will over-winter if brought indoors and positioned near a sunny window. Dwarf (Cyp. Alt. ‘Gtracilis’) and medium (Cyperus spp.) varieties are available and prove an excellent choice for smaller ponds and container water gardens. The height of an umbrella palm creates a soft backdrop for shorter aquatic plants, such as water lilies.

Giant Egyptian Papyrus gets over 8' tall and needs a large planting container. The stiff triangular stems present attractive heads of needle-like foliage. Also known as Egyptian Paper Plant. Giant Egyptian Papyrus is sometimes shipped bare-root, depending on which nursery ships.
Egyptian Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus)
Hardiness Zone: 8-11
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: 5' to 12' - Spread: 4' to 5' Wide
Water Depth: Moist soil or water up to 6" deep (Maximum water depth is for mature bog plants)
Click here for more information: www.learn2grow.com/gardeningguides/tropicalplants/
8- Imperial Taro
Colocasia antiquorum
For More information about Taro Plants : Please Click Here .. ..
Partial shade to shade.
Height: 3-4'.
Hardy zones 9-11 [See Map]
Planting depth: 0-6".
9- Prairie Grass
Variegated Prairie Grass
Spartina pectinata Aureo-Marginata
Hardy zones 3 - 10 [See Map]
Growing height: 4-5'.
Planting depth: Top of the pot should be 0-4" below the water surface.
Thrives in full sun to partial shade.
Slender green and yellow reed-like leaves

Gold-edged prairie cord grass is native to the wetlands of North America.
Very elegant habit. Spreads out in long, drooping, variegated cream leaves.
Height: 1.5 m to 2 m. Planting distance: 1.20 m
Grow in ordinary garden soil in the sun or slight shade, but not too dry in the summer. As it propagates through its stolons, it can become invasive in optimal growing conditions, such as in very damp earth or along the edge of a ditch.
You can limit the spread of Spartina pectinata 'Aureomarginata' by installing a root barrier or mowing. Tolerates salty soils.
Adds interest to a water feature or grown in large patio containers.
10-Umbrella Palm
Cyperus alternifolius
Full sun to shade.
Height: 4-5'.
Hardy zones 8-11 [See Map]
Planting depth: 0-6".

Larger palms can be invasive without some precautions. Even a small single stalk with roots will grow as a marginal and can be difficult to remove if left alone too long, especially in a graveled pond where the roots will grow deeply into the gravel. This situation can be avoided by planting the large variety of umbrella plant in a plastic tub. The palm will still grow into the tub and its roots will need trimming from time to time, but now the plant can be easily removed for maintenance.
When ready for trimming, don’t worry about destroying the plant by cutting the roots into a smaller size. The plant will regrow again to fill the container. By trimming the root ball and cutting the plant in two, you’ll cut down on the size of the plant so there’s less “wind-sail” to blow it over. You can use a small handsaw to cut through the root ball to lower its height and also to cut the plant in half before repotting. Add the second plant to your pond or give it to a friend.
After the umbrella palm’s root ball is cut to a smaller size, rocks ranging in size from tennis balls to grapefruits are added around the root ball to anchor both the pot and the root ball so it’s not so prone to blowing over in the wind before the roots have a chance to reestablish.
You do not need to add any dirt to the pot or fertilize the umbrella palm. They derive their nutrients directly from the pond water which helps filter the water and keep it safe for all your fish!
How to propagate an umbrella palm | Cyperus alternifolius
Pond Plants Direct: Umbrella Palms
Waterfalls , Ponds & water Gardens
Water gardens , Ponds & water features books & Magazines
Watergarden creatures : Plants .. Fish .. Turtles
Pond Plants guide
Ponds Plants Types:
1- Moisture loving/ bog plants ( marginal ) :
Low-Growing Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Medium Height Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Tall Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
3-Water Garden Floating Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2
Water lilies : Part 1 .. Part 2
Water Lotus : Part 1 .. Part 2
4-Submerged Water and Oxygenating Pond Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2
Pond Plants guide
Ponds Plants Types:
1- Moisture loving/ bog plants ( marginal ) :
Low-Growing Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Medium Height Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
Tall Shallow Water Plants : Part 1 . .. Part 2
3-Water Garden Floating Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2
Water lilies : Part 1 .. Part 2
Water Lotus : Part 1 .. Part 2
4-Submerged Water and Oxygenating Pond Plants : Part 1 .. .. Part 2