Other Websites :
- www.aquaterraria.com/foro/epipedobates/2174-ficha-epipedobates-anthonyi.html
- www.schlangenland.de/index.php/amphibien/epipedobates-anthonyi
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/55213/0
- amphibiaweb.org/species/6581
- www.understoryenterprises.com/frogs-from-wikiri/epipedobates-anthonyi
- www.inaturalist.org/taxa/21160-Epipedobates-anthonyi
- www.aquaportail.com/fiche-terrariophilie-2224-epipedobates-anthonyi.html
- www.zoopet.com/skaldjur/skaldjur.php?NR=81
- www.gifkikkerportaal.nl/Gifkikkers/Soorten/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/135/Epipedobates
Videos :
Epipedobates anthonyi Feeding
Care & Vivariums :
Breeding :
Epipedobates anthonyi enclosure
Dart Frog Connection's Epipedobates Anthonyi Santa Isabel
Epipedobates anthonyi Santa isabel pair courting
Pijlgifkikker Epipedobates tricolor in actie.
Epipedobates anthonyi
epipedobates anthonyi beim Fressen
Der Tenor aus dem Dschungel.WMV
Terrarium tropical pour 6 Epipedobates anthonyi
epipobates tricolor breeding trio
Epipedobates Anthonyi first calling
Epidobates Tricolor "Santa Isabel" Calling (HD Close-Ups)
Epipedobates anthonyi Sing and lay eggs
Epipedobates anthonyi Santa isabel pair amplexus
E. anthonyi eggs
Epipedobates anthonyi male with tadpoles
Epipedobates anthonyi carrying tadpoles
Timelapse Epipedobates Anthonyi Male fertilizing eggs
epipedobates anthonyi eating eggs
Epipedobates anthonyi tadpoles - renacuajos
Maryland Frog Farm-Sean Stewart
Epipedobates anthonyi 'Rio Saladillo' transporting tadpoles
E. anthonyi - Tadpoles and froglets
Exo Terra "Do Your Reptiles Feel At Home" Contest 2011 - Epipedobates anthonyi - Dart Frogs
Morning calling of Epipedobates Anthonyi zarayunga
South America Dart Frogs - Species
Dendrobatidae :
Aromobatidae :
Madagascar Dart frogs