Other websites :
- Good : www.silverant.net/silverant/?page_id=167
- Good : www.reptiles-zoo.com/t16878-fiche-d-elevage-cordylus-tropidosternum
- Good : schrubbi.de/Cordylus.htm
- Good : www.terrarium.com.pl/294-cordylus-tropidosternum-szyszkowiec-tropikalny/
- izi.travel/en/browse/a3234e78-a021-4c43-80d8-db2f2e12bf55/en
- reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Cordylus&species=tropidosternum
- www.gbif.org/species/5227203
- animaldiversity.org/accounts/Cordylus_tropidosternum/classification/
- www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/126612
- tuatera.com/fororeptiles/reptiles-domesticos/cordylus-tropidosternum-cuidados-informacion-terrario/
- www.iucnredlist.org/details/44647998/0
- lapassiondesreptiles.forumactif.com/t29194-fiche-d-elevage-cordylus-tropidosternum
3- Cordylus tropidosternum
courtesy to : schrubbi.de/Cordylus
Origin: The spreading area of the Gürtelschweife extends from South to East Africa. C.tropidosternum lives in East Africa, from Kenya southwards to southeast Simbabwe.
Distribution map Cordylus tropidosternum tropidosternum / jonesii
limate in the dissemination area: The weather is influenced by the cold, north-facing Benguela stream along the west coast in the Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean by the Agulhas stream along the east coast. There is a temperate, subtropical climate. In summer (Dec., Jan., Feb.) The temperatures reach 30 to 40C ° and the humidity is high. In the coastal regions of the east coast, heavy thunderstorms occur in the late afternoon and in the evening hours. In the autumn (March, Apr., May) there is a temperate climate, temperatures rarely rise above 30 ° C. In the winter months (June, July, August) the temperatures reach 20-25C °, and in dry air and rare precipitation even cool nights come. In the spring (Sep., Oct., Nov.) the temperatures rise again and cool nights stay out. On the high plateaus, at an altitude of 900-1400m, the temperatures during the day are more moderate, the night temperatures often fall below 20C °. The vegetation consists of a deciduous dry forest. The highest temperatures are reached at the banks of the lakes and in the valleys. There are extensive thorns. The average rainfall is about 600-1000mm. Nearly all of the precipitation falls between November and April. In the countries heading north (Kenya), the temperature fluctuations through the seasons are lower. The precipitation amounts are higher. The vegetation consists of a deciduous dry forest. The highest temperatures are reached at the banks of the lakes and in the valleys. There are extensive thorns. The average rainfall is about 600-1000mm. Nearly all of the precipitation falls between November and April. In the countries heading north (Kenya), the temperature fluctuations through the seasons are lower. The precipitation amounts are higher. The vegetation consists of a deciduous dry forest. The highest temperatures are reached at the banks of the lakes and in the valleys. There are extensive thorns. The average rainfall is about 600-1000mm. Nearly all of the precipitation falls between November and April. In the countries heading north (Kenya), the temperature fluctuations through the seasons are lower. The precipitation amounts are higher. In the countries heading north (Kenya), the temperature fluctuations through the seasons are lower. The precipitation amounts are higher. In the countries heading north (Kenya), the temperature fluctuations through the seasons are lower. The precipitation amounts are higher.
Habitat: The dwarf girdle tails live in highlands and coastal areas. There they are often found in deadwood, amongdead tree trunks. They prefer to choose hollow stems, which provide them with protection against weather and predators. In areas with sparse tree stands, in the Dornsavannen, one finds them also under stones and rocks.
Shape: There are two subspecies, Cordylus tropidosternum tropidosternum and C. tropidosternum jonesii.
The dwarf burs have a triangular head, which terminates at the hind head with 6 thorny hindlegs. The entire hull is covered with large, guarded sheds. At the tail the thorny scales stand in whorls. The males have strong leg pores. The color can consist of gray, brown to reddish tones. On the cheeks and the throat, there are often strokes of yellow, just above the upper lip there is a cream-white strip.
Behavior and attitude in the terrarium:Cordylus are very sociable animals that live in groups. Also in the terrarium is recommended the group keeping. Several males and females can be kept together. Even young animals are not bothered by adult animals with proper container size and furnishings. The terrarium size for four animals is at least 100x50x50cm L / W / H. Cordylus are very good climbers, so the design of a rock or wood back wall is suitable. In the terrarium further wood roots or hollow stems should be placed. Hiding places and retreats are important for the welfare of animals. Sunspots are generated with spotlights, a heated stone is also gladly accepted. If a fodder is discovered and watched, A water bowl is used for liquid absorption and bathing. The water should always be renewed. High, smooth-walled water containers are not suitable, as high-spirited young animals easily drown in them. The ground floor consists of a mixture of flowers and sand. The ground is dry. Only in the warm summer months should he be sprayed more prominently. Then the humidity increases.
Wild catches are at first very shy, if the terrarium is arranged as mentioned, their shyness after a few weeks is completely lost.
The temperatures must be between 30 and 35C ° during the warmer seasons. A night reduction to 20-22C ° in summer, and 16-18C ° in spring and autumn is ideal. The sunspot reaches 38 to 40C °. It should be sprayed daily in the evening hours.
Breed: A simulation of the seasons is required for breeding. The heat sources (heated stone) are switched off for about 4-8 weeks. The humidity is reduced (no spraying). Temperatures should reach 12-15 ° C at night. Especially the lowering of the night temperatures is important for triggering mating. After the cold period the temperatures and the lighting time of the spotlights are raised again. As the temperature increases, a few days pass before the male approaches the female with jerky movements. When mating, the male bites in the nape of the female and the copulation takes about one minute. The gestation period is about 4 months, after which the female gives birth to 2-5 young animals. Their size is already between 65 and 75mm. If there are many hiding places and the necessary container size, the boys can be left in the terrarium without any reservations. In the first few days, the young animals retreat into crevices, and are quick to eat. After a few weeks, they lose their shyness, and even in the case of small disturbances under the open sunspots. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure a sufficient supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years. If there are many hiding places and the necessary container size, the boys can be left in the terrarium without any reservations. In the first few days, the young animals retreat into crevices, and are quick to eat. After a few weeks, they lose their shyness, and even in the case of small disturbances under the open sunspots. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years. If there are many hiding places and the necessary container size, the boys can be left in the terrarium without any reservations. In the first few days, the young animals retreat into crevices, and are quick to eat. After a few weeks, they lose their shyness, and even in the case of small disturbances under the open sunspots. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years. In the first few days, the young animals retreat into crevices, and are quick to eat. After a few weeks, they lose their shyness, and even in the case of small disturbances under the open sunspots. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years. In the first few days, the young animals retreat into crevices, and are quick to eat. After a few weeks, they lose their shyness, and even in the case of small disturbances under the open sunspots. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years. In the diet, as with all young animals, care should be taken to ensure adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. In the size of the animals, a supply of small and medium sized feeds is problem-free. The animals do not reach the sexual maturity until after about 3 years.
C..t.tropidosternum young animal 2 days old.
Nutrition: In nature, the main fodder of the girdle often consists of winged termites. In the terrarium, they eat crickets, worm moths, zophobas, oven fish, ground beetles, cockroaches and of course meadow plankton. Lasts every two to three days. Almost all of the forage animals are consumed. The feed animals should, of course, regularly be supplied with minerals and vitamins and pollinated. A drinking vessel must always be present. Moisture is also absorbed during spraying. Before and during the winter rest, the feed must be reduced. When the temperatures rise again, enough and high quality must be fed. Especially the carrying females must not now receive a monotonous, bad diet.
Text and photos:
(C) Frank Henke 2003
Videos :
Cordylus Tropidosternum 2015
New reptiles - 2 Cordylus tropidosternum.
cordylus tropidosternum
Cordylus Tropidosternum (East African Spiny Tailed Lizard) Care
Some of our Cordylus Tropidosternum enclosures
78 Cordylus c tropidosternum East african Spiny tailed Lizard Tansania Zwerggürtelschweif Aquarium
Desert Habitat
Cordylus beraducci feeding
Cordylus cataphractus feeding.
Feeding :
Vivariums & Set ups :
Breeding :
Accouplement Cordylus tropidosternum - Cordylus tropidosternum mating
Cordylus : Introduction , general care and information
1- Giant girdled lizard - Cordylus giganteus : PART One , PART Two
2- The black girdled lizard - Cordylus niger
3- The Mozambique girdled lizard - Cordylus mossambicus or Smaug mossambicus
4- The armadillo girdled lizard - Ouroborus ( Cordylus ) cataphractus
5- The Cape girdled lizard - Cordylus cordylus
6- Zoutpansberg girdled lizard - Cordylus depressus (Smaug depressus)
7- The East African spiny-tailed lizard - Cordylus tropidosternum PART One -- PART Two
8- The Transvaal girdled lizard - Cordylus vittifer
Cordylus : Introduction , general care and information
1- Giant girdled lizard - Cordylus giganteus : PART One , PART Two
2- The black girdled lizard - Cordylus niger
3- The Mozambique girdled lizard - Cordylus mossambicus or Smaug mossambicus
4- The armadillo girdled lizard - Ouroborus ( Cordylus ) cataphractus
5- The Cape girdled lizard - Cordylus cordylus
6- Zoutpansberg girdled lizard - Cordylus depressus (Smaug depressus)
7- The East African spiny-tailed lizard - Cordylus tropidosternum PART One -- PART Two
8- The Transvaal girdled lizard - Cordylus vittifer
1- Genus Cordylus - girdled or Armadillo lizard
2- Genus Chamaesaura - Grass lizards
3- Genus Platysaurus - Flat lizards