11- Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko :
Saltuarius cornutus
(Ogilby 1892)
Etymology: ‘Horned’ – presumably alluding to the sharply pointed tubercles along the back flanks.
Snout-vent length: To 144 mm.
Distribution: Found in the Wet Tropics rainforests of north-eastern Queensland.
Habitat: Rainforest.
Conservation status: Least concern, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.
Videos :

Video :
FamiliesVsWild - Natural Curiosity - Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The northern leaf-tailed gecko, Saltuarius cornutus, is a species of the genus Saltuarius, the Australian leaf-tailed geckos.[3]
Northern leaf-tailed gecko

Scientific classification :
Species:S. cornutus
Binomial name :
Saltuarius cornutus
(Ogilby 1892)[2]
Synonyms :
Gymnodactylus cornutus Ogilby,
Phyllurus cornutus (Ogilby, 1892)
Conservation status
Description :
Saltuarius cornutus is a large gecko with a triangular head, narrow neck, a body length to 14 cm and an 8 cm broad, leaf-like tail. Unlike most geckos, it has clawed toes and no adhesive discs, probably due to its arboreal lifestyle. Body is flattened and limbs are long and spindly; dorsal surface bears sharply pointed tubercles (its eponymous "horns"). Camouflage coloration strongly resembles lichen-mottled bark. Its scientific name translates to "Horned Keeper of the Forest".
Habitat :
Nocturnal tree dweller in warm temperate and tropical rainforests and wet sclerophyll forests, typically above 750m, in the Coastal and Great Dividing Ranges in NE Queensland and south to Taree in New South Wales.
Behaviour :
Active at night and in cool conditions when most reptiles rest. When threatened, the gecko arches its back, raises and wags its tail from side to side to draw attention away from the head- if attacked it will readily shed its tail and grow another; however the new tail will be broader and flatter with different coloration and a short tip. Also known to open mouth and charge aggressors while vocalizing.
Females lay 1–2 parchment-shelled eggs in a shallow nest covered with leaf litter and soil—up to 14 eggs from multiple females have been found in a single communal nest.[4]
The Northern leaf-tailed gecko eats large insects and other arthropods, including cockroaches and spiders.
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12- Mount Marsh Leaf-tailed Gecko
Saltuarius kateae
Couper, Sadlier, Shea & Worthington Wilmer 2008
Etymology: Named for Kate Couper.
Snout-vent length: To 105 mm.
Distribution: Known from two localities at the extreme southern end of the Richmond Range, New South Wales.
Habitat: Sandstone escarpments in open forest.
Conservation status: Protected, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW).

Saltuarius salebrosus
13- New England Leaf-tailed Gecko
Saltuarius moritzi
Couper, Sadlier, Shea & Worthington Wilmer 2008
Etymology: Named for Professor Craig Moritz for his contributions to the molecular phylogenetics of Australian rainforest reptiles.
Snout-vent length: To 109 mm.
Distribution: Widespread south of the Clarence River, from coastal areas west through the gorge systems of the New England Tableland.
Habitat: Wet sclerophyll forests and rock outcrops and gorge systems.
Conservation status: Protected, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW).

14- Central Queensland Leaf-tailed Gecko (Rough-throated Leaf-tailed Gecko)
Saltuarius salebrosus
(Covacevich 1975)
Etymology: ‘Rough’.
Snout-vent length: To 140 mm.
Distribution: Mainly known from dry areas in mid-eastern and south-central Queensland.
Habitat: Generally associated with rock outcrops and escarpments but found on rainforest trees in Bulburin State Forest and on bottle trees in Goodnight Scrub.
Conservation status: Least Concern, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

Hand feeding Leaf tailed gecko(Saltuarius salebrosus)
Saltuarius salebrosus baby...
15- Border Ranges Leaf-tailed Gecko :
Saltuarius swaini
(Wells & Wellington 1985)
Etymology: Named for Malcolm Swain of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Snout-vent length: To 134 mm.
Distribution: Found in the coastal ranges of south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales.
Habitat: Rainforest.
Conservation status: Least concern, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service; Protected, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW).

Video :
Leaf Tailed Gecko Enclosure and Basic Care
16- Granite Leaf-tailed Gecko :
Saltuarius wyberba
Couper, Schneider & Covacevich 1997
Etymology: Wyberba is a rail-siding on the western boundary of Girraween National Park. The name is reported to be of Aboriginal origin, and said to mean ‘at the end of the mountain'.
Snout-vent length: To 108 mm.
Distribution: South-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales, extending from the Warwick area south to the Mann River Nature Reserve.
Habitat: Granite outcrops.
Conservation status: Least concern, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service; Protected, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW).

Video :
Saltuarius wyberba
Geckos : Introduction - As a Pet
Geckos Species :
- Leopard geckos 1 2 3 4
- Crested gecko 1 2 3 4 5
- African Fat Tailed Geckos 1 2 3
- Day Gecko : - Giant Day Gecko: 1 2
- Other Day Geckos Geckos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Lygodectylus geckos Introduction - Species :
- Lygodectylus - Yellow Headed
- Gonatodes geckos - species :
- Other species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Sphaerodactylus geckos - Species : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Tropiocolotes geckos - Species : 1 2
ASIA GECKO Groupe : 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8
Leaf Tailed Geckos : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Goniurosaurus geckos : 1 , 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Geckos : Introduction - As a Pet
Geckos Species :
- Leopard geckos 1 2 3 4
- Crested gecko 1 2 3 4 5
- African Fat Tailed Geckos 1 2 3
- Day Gecko : - Giant Day Gecko: 1 2
- Other Day Geckos Geckos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Lygodectylus geckos Introduction - Species :
- Lygodectylus - Yellow Headed
- Gonatodes geckos - species :
- Other species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Sphaerodactylus geckos - Species : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Tropiocolotes geckos - Species : 1 2
ASIA GECKO Groupe : 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8
Leaf Tailed Geckos : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
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