4- Keep the temperatures between 70-80 degrees. Temperatures over 85 and less than 65 cause great amounts of stress and can kill your animal very quickly.
3- How to Care for a Crested Gecko :
courtesy to : www.wikihow.com/Care-for-a-Crested-Gecko
Also known as the eyelash gecko, Cresties are a great choice for wannabe reptile owners or experienced reptilia keepers. They are easy to care for, well-mannered, and relatively cheap to own. Thought extinct until rediscovered in 1994, these geckos were found in New Caledonia after a topical storm. A crested gecko's diet usually includes meal replacement powder (commonly known as MRP) and crickets/meal worms. They used to be an endangered species, but now millions of people own them as pets. Here's how to care for them.

1- Get a terrarium (10 gallon minimum). You want to have an a smaller terrarium (12"x12"x18") until the gecko is a year old, then upgrade to a larger terrarium (18"x18"x24"). Terrariums are like cages, except they are made of glass, and inside there are plastic plants and substrate. Substrate is the bottom, the dirt. Beware though, geckos have been known to die from ingesting Coconut Substrate. The best way to go is Eco Earth with moss or bark on top. The Eco Earth will help you retain moisture. Repti Carpet is also a cheap and safe way to go.
2- Set up the terrarium. Well, your gecko needs a home! In the terrarium there should be: food bowl, substrate, many plastic/live plants, branches, vines and a background (optional). a lot of cover and area to climb is very important to make your gecko feel safe. A water dish should be provided for humidity control but they mostly drink water droplets from leaves and the sides; this is one reason why you must spray the tank.
3- Get a sprayer and a hygrometer. Their cage needs to be moist, and geckos get their water from mist, naturally, not from a water bowl. The water bowl is for humidity control and the rare occasion your gecko goes to drink from it. You need to mist the terrarium twice a day. After spraying the humidity should be at least 60% and no more then 80% because mold will start to form above 80%. The humidity should drop to no lower than 40% before misting again
5- Get the gecko. If you're getting more than 1 gecko, it is better to get 2 separate cages UNLESS the geckos are the same size, they are both females or 1 is male the other is female. Both can ABSOLUTELY not be 2 males in the same cage. Males are VERY territorial! Just remember, housing a male and a female will very likely result in breeding, and is not recommended unless you have done an ample amount of research on them first. Breeding animals without special care can result in calcium crashes and death for your animals.
6- Do not hold your gecko for 2 weeks after purchasing, this allows the gecko to acclimate and reduces stress during the environmental shift. After 2 weeks try holding your animal for a few minutes a day, and once your animal gets comfortable with you you can gradually increase handling time. Remember, younger geckos tend to be very jumpy so it is best for them to mature before you handle.
7- Feed your gecko the right food. Repashy CGD is a complete diet, and is the best food available on the market. You can also feed them calcium dusted crickets but the main food still should be the Repashy. Do NOT feed baby food. Leave the CGD in the cage for up to two days at a time, switching it out for freshly prepared CGD after the second night.
8- Gut-loaded and dusted crickets can be offered once a week.
9- Follow these steps and you will be sure to have a happy, healthy gecko!
Video :
Crested Geckos: Making a Cheap Hatchling Enclosure
Tips :
Have lots of plants for the crested gecko to climb on.
Make sure the ten gallon or more is tall, not wide. Crested geckos are arboreal which means they climb, and need space to do so.
The bigger the enclosure for your gecko is, the better. The extra space will be appreciated. However, a space too big may freak them out. Base the size of the enclosure on the size of your gecko, and inquire about the right size at your local breeder, or other gecko keepers.
Do your research and make a guide so if you have any questions later on, it will be easier to find the answer.
If your gecko does not eat or defecate, take it to a reptile vet ASAP.
If you have a terrarium where the door(s) swing out try to place the things your gecko can climb on near the back of the terrarium so the gecko doesn't stick a limb out of the gap on the side of the door and accidentally sever or injure a limb when you close the door.
Geckos may lose their tails if stressed. It is very gross, but your gecko is OK if it loses its tail. My gecko has no tail and he is ok. But he will never grow it back.
Avoid particular types of substrate, such as coconut husk or bark, as your gecko may ingest this and their intestines become obstructed or impacted.
Warnings :
Take your crested gecko to the vet if it grows any BIG bumps on its body.
Take your gecko to the vet if he is having trouble shedding.
Your crested gecko may lose its tail.
Things You'll Need
Minimum 10 gallon (37.9 L) tank
Temperature regulation items
Food and water bowls
Twigs, branches and leaves (preferably artificial or approved by a vet.)
Substrate material (sphagnum moss is best!)
Hideout (try rock caves, logs, bamboo, or even coconut halves)
Further Reading :
- Crested Gecko in Captivity (With Notes on All 'Rhacodactylus' Species (Professional Breeders Series)
Sep 14, 2005
by Robbie Hamper
- Rhacodactylus: The Complete Guide to their Selection and Care
Oct 2003
by Philippe De Vosjoli and Allen Repashy
- Crested Geckos and Relatives (Reptile and Amphibian Keeper's Guides)
Dec 1, 2004
by Richard D. Bartlett
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Geckos : Introduction - As a Pet
Geckos Species :
- Leopard geckos 1 2 3 4
- Crested gecko 1 2 3 4 5
- African Fat Tailed Geckos 1 2 3
- Day Gecko : - Giant Day Gecko: 1 2
- Other Day Geckos Geckos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Lygodectylus geckos Introduction - Species :
- Lygodectylus - Yellow Headed
- Gonatodes geckos - species :
- Other species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Sphaerodactylus geckos - Species : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Tropiocolotes geckos - Species : 1 2
ASIA GECKO Groupe : 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8
Leaf Tailed Geckos : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Goniurosaurus geckos : 1 , 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Please Select Or follow below !! ?
Geckos : Introduction - As a Pet
Geckos Species :
- Leopard geckos 1 2 3 4
- Crested gecko 1 2 3 4 5
- African Fat Tailed Geckos 1 2 3
- Day Gecko : - Giant Day Gecko: 1 2
- Other Day Geckos Geckos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Lygodectylus geckos Introduction - Species :
- Lygodectylus - Yellow Headed
- Gonatodes geckos - species :
- Other species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Sphaerodactylus geckos - Species : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Tropiocolotes geckos - Species : 1 2
ASIA GECKO Groupe : 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8
Leaf Tailed Geckos : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Goniurosaurus geckos : 1 , 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7