4- The European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) :

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The European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) is a large lizard distributed across European midlatitudes from Slovenia and eastern Austria to as far east as the Black Sea coasts of Ukraine and Turkey. It is often seen sunning on rocks or lawns, or sheltering amongst bushes.
European green lizard

Lacerta viridis couple
Conservation status :
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification :
Species:L. viridis
Binomial name
Lacerta viridis
(Laurenti, 1768)
Synonyms :
Seps viridis Laurenti, 1768
Range of L. viridis in blue, and L. bilineata in green
Taxonomy :
There is an ongoing discussion as to whether Lacerta viridis and Lacerta bilineata are separate species. Genetic data weakly supports their separation into two species but more investigation needs to be done.[1]
Description :
The lizard reaches up to 15 cm (5.9 in) from the tip of the muzzle to the cloaca. The tail can be up to twice the length of the body, total length is up to 40 cm (16 in). This lizard sometimes sheds its tail (autotomy) to evade the grasp of a predator, regrowing it later.
The male has a larger head and a uniform green coloring punctuated with small spots that are more pronounced upon its back. The throat is bluish in the adult male and to a lesser extent in the female. The female is more slender than the male and has a more uniform coloration, often displaying between two and four light bands bordered by black spots.
Distribution and habitat :
The European green lizard is native to southeastern Europe. Its range extends from southern Germany, Austria, eastern Italy, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece to southern Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and western Turkey. It has been introduced into the state of Kansas in the United States.[1] Various attempts were made to introduce green lizards into Britain since the late 19th century, and a colony identified as L. bilineata has survived at Bournemouth since the late 1990s.[2][3] It is known from elevations up to 2,200 m (7,218 ft) above sea level and its typical habitat is dense bushy vegetation in open woodland, hedgerows, field margins, embankments and bramble thickets. In the northern part of its range it may be found on bushy heathland and in the southern part it prefers damp locations.[4]
Behavior :
The European green lizard lives on the ground and in low, dense vegetation and likes to bask in the sun, early and late in the day. It feeds mainly on insects and other small invertebrates but it also sometimes takes fruit, birds eggs, fledglings, small lizards and even mice. In spring, the female lays six to twenty eggs which hatch in two to four months. Newly hatched juveniles are pale brown with a snout-to-vent length of 3 to 4 cm (1.2 to 1.6 in). They become mature the following year by which time they will have doubled in size.[4]
Status :
The IUCN lists the European green lizard as being of "Least Concern". This is because it has a wide range and is common in at least part of that range. It is an adaptable species and no substantial threats have been identified over most of its range. However, in Turkey it may be impacted by the use of pesticides.[1]
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Video :
European Green Lizard! (Lacerta viridis)
Care Articles :
1- Green Lizard, Lacerta viridis
courtesy to : www.gopetsamerica.com/reptiles/green-lizard.aspx
The Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis) is one of the best known European lizards. In captivity it becomes very tame and gentle and willingly lets itself to be handled. This species will do well in an outdoor reptiliary in suitable areas.

Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis)
Photo courtesy of Natural History of Tásos
Growing to a total length of about 16 in., with an elegant tail twice the length of its head an body, this very attractive species is bright green with a sprinkling of yellow and darker green spots. During the mating season, the male's throat becomes bright blue. Large planted terrarium with medium humidity and facilities for climbing. The daytime air temperature should be maintained around 77°F with hotter basking areas. Reduce to about 68°F at night. A short hibernation period in the winter of 8-10 weeks at 47-54°F is recommended. Feed on a variety of invertebrates, minced lean meat, dog or cat food, and maybe a little soft, ripe fruit. Provide a regular vitamin supplement and a large water dish.
Lizards can look healthy and continue to harbor a considerable amount of internal parasites. Usually, they are resistant to parasites and viruses with which they are evolved, but become highly susceptible to parasites common in other species. For this reason, if you keep various lizards together, quarantine and provide veterinary assessment for all the species in the community. Wild-collected lizards can be infested with ticks. 7-14 eggs per clutch. The eggs are laid mostly in May and June, often in two or even three clutches. With proper care can live up to 10 years.
2- Green Lizard
courtesy to : rightpet.com/breed-species/reptile/lizards/green-lizard
Other common names: European Green Lizard; Eastern Green Lizard
Scientific name: Lacerta viridis
The basics:
The Lacerta viridis or European Green Lizard is found in the mid-European latitudes from the Iberian Peninsula to the Ukraine, including Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovania, the Czech Republic, Croatia, and the Balkan Region. They inhabit bushy locations including lawns and rocky areas.
Appearance / health:
The Green Lizard is bright green in color with tiny dark green and yellow spots mostly on the back. They grow to about 16 inches in length, with the tail close to twice the length of the body. Males have bigger heads; females are more slender. During the mating season, males have more bluish throat than the females.
Behavior / temperament:
Lacerta viridis are popular in the pet trade for their striking color and because they can be tamed into gentle handling by their owners. They are naturally aggressive towards other lizards, especially their own species. When threatened, they can lose their tails.
3- Guster - Lacerta viridis
courtesy to : www.info-delta.ro/delta-dunarii-17/guster- lacerta-viridis
Description : The total length is 30-40 cm, of which the tail is 20-26 cm. He has a fold over his neck; the collar with the denticulate posterior edge, consisting of 7-12 tiles. In the male, the tail is cylindrical, lagging at the base. In the female the tail is longer. Adult males are green to blue or blue, head and neck with black spots. Adult females are more gray with different shades of tan, dark brown and black, usually with two rows of whitish whites, but they can also find greenish females with equal lines and white strips, often black. Run, climb and jump, very aggressive.
Reproduction : By May-June, the female lodges 6-12 eggs in sand or soft soil, the ponta being repeated for several weeks. Eggs are white-dirty, 15-18 mm long and 8-11 mm in diameter. Vignetting varies, depending on heat and humidity, from 2.5 to 3.5 months.
Food : Feed on coleopteran, hyenoptera (beetles, wasps, bees, ants)
Habitat : Quite common in our country, it lives through the luminaries and the slopes of the oak forests or on the sunny banks and vegetation of the Danube and the lakes.

Family Lacertidae : Introduction , general care and Generas / Species :
- Lacerta : Introduction , general care and Generas / Species
Species :
1-The sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
2-The western green lizard (Lacerta bilineata) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
3-The Iberian emerald lizard (Lacerta schreiberi ) .
4- The European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
5- Timon tangitanus ( previously Lacerta tangitanus ) :PART ONE .. PART TWO
6- Timon lepidus ( Previously Lacerta lepida) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
Family Lacertidae : Introduction , general care and Generas / Species :
- Lacerta : Introduction , general care and Generas / Species
Species :
1-The sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
2-The western green lizard (Lacerta bilineata) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
3-The Iberian emerald lizard (Lacerta schreiberi ) .
4- The European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) : PART ONE .. PART TWO
5- Timon tangitanus ( previously Lacerta tangitanus ) :PART ONE .. PART TWO
6- Timon lepidus ( Previously Lacerta lepida) : PART ONE .. PART TWO