A Gobi has a small brown bobby with black patterns. As this fish is living in its natural habitat close to the soil, often under orfe between stones, it is duly camouflaged there.
In nature a Gobi will grow to a length of maximum 5 to 6 in; in a pond it will be somewhat smaller. They can reach an age of about maximum 5 years. A Gobi is sometimes sold as an algae eater. However, it is not a real algae eater, it mainly lives on insects, worms and little snails.
Locally a pond should be 28 in deep enabling this fish to hibernate and in other places it should be shallow (8 in) for mating. A powerful filter is necessary because this fish likes clean water with a little flowing. You should keep them in a school of at least 6 specimens, however do not put them together with too big fish. A Gobi is sometimes sold as an algae eater. However, it is not a real one. It lives chiefly on insects, worms and snails.

Name:Algae eater or Gobi
Length:5 to 6 in
Appearance: Greyish-brown
Age:5 years
Feed:Insects, worms, snails and feeding additionally with high-grade quality of feed, containing vitamins and minerals
Pond:Minimum depth 28 in, locally 8 in for mating purposes. Put this fish in a group of at least 6 specimens
Protection: Not necessary

A Fathead minnow is a small raised fish with a length ranging between 2 and 3 in. It has a mainly orange colour. They will not fall ill very soon, nevertheless it will not reach a very old age. Maximum two to two and a half years.
Fathead minnow in your pond
A minnow is a school fish which feels good in the company of ten to twenty congeners. Your pond should locally have a depth of at least 29 inch preferably have some planting, however, it also should a few open areas. A Fathead minnow can be kept along with all other species of pond fish. A shallow area of maximum 4 inch with many oxygen producing plants is recommended for propagation. A Fathead minnow likes balanced easily digestible feed.

Name: Fathead minnow
Length: 2 to 3 in
Appearance: Orange
Age: 2 to 3 years
Feed: Insects and high-grade quality of easily digestible feed with vitamins and minerals (additional feeding)
Pond:Minimum depth 28 in, locally shallow areas of 4 in with a view to mating; put these fish in a group of minimum 5 specimens. They are resistant to bad quality of water
Protection: Necessary
Videos :
Fathead minnows in my pond
Species Profile # 35: The Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas)
3- Golden tench or doctor fish :
text courtesy to : www.velda.com/pond-fish/types/

A golden tench is a raised fish form derived from the original tench coming from Europe. It is also referred to as doctor fish, because it is claimed that this fish takes care that different fish will not fall ill. The skin of the tench should contain an antibiotic which would protect other fish. Of course this is a figment, however this fish takes care that the pond water will remain cleaner and that will truly help other fish. You can recognize a golden tench by its orange colour often with dark spots. Combine golden tenches in a pond with koi carps, because a golden tench eat the excrements of koi carps.
A golden tench is a strong fish which will not easily fall ill. It may grow rather big, although it may last a considerable period of time before it reaches its maximum length.
They will reach a length ranging between 16 and 26 in. Its weight is maximum 4.5 kilograms. They will reach an age of about 15 to 20 years old. The depth of your pond should be minimum 28 in and it should preferably hold many plants. A gold tench can be held along with all other kinds of pond fish. Place golden tench in a little group of at least five fish and not more than five fish per cubic metre of water.
A golden tench is a bottom dweller. It is not unusual that you do not see it for a longer period of time. It is even possible that you do not see a golden tench for many years. They like dark coloured soil with much mud. A golden tench likes balanced fish feed that is easily digestible.
Name:Golden tench
Length:16 to 26 in
Appearance:Orange shades often with some dark little spots, thick mucous layer
Age:15 to 20 years
Feed:High-grade quality of feed with vitamins and minerals
Pond:At least 28 in deep, place them in a group of minimum 5 specimens, soil dweller
Protection: Not necessary
Videos :
Tench (Doctor fish) in Freshwater lake
Tamme goudzeelt, tame golden tench
4- Rosette or Golden rudd :
text courtesy to : www.velda.com/pond-fish/types/
A Rosette pond fish, also referred to as golden rudd, is family of the cypriniformes. In large ponds this fish may grow to be as large as 8 to 14 in. You can recognize a Rosette by its red fins and back as well as by silver to pink belly and sides.

A Golden rudd is a strong fish by nature, which will not fall ill easily. However, it is sensitive to carp louse and mould. Your pond should be at least 28 in deep to enable a rosette to hibernate and locally it should have a shallow depth of 8 in for propagating purposes. A powerful filter is necessary, because a golden rudd likes clean water with a slight flow. Also the oxygen content of the water is very important. So, an air pump is to be recommended. Put Rosettes in a school of at least 10 to 15 specimens.
Special balanced and easily digestible feed has been developed for rosettes.
Name: Rosette or golden rudd
Length:8 to 14 in
Appearance:Red fins and back; belly and sides silver to pink
Age:15 to 20 years
Feed:Insects and high-grade quality feed of easy digestion, containing vitamins and minerals (additional feeding)
Pond:Minimum 28 in deep; locally 8 in with a view to mating; put them in a group of at least 5 specimens
Protection: Necessary
5- Ides, the best-known pond fish :
text courtesy to : www.velda.com/pond-fish/types/

The ide belongs to the cypriniformes. We can not imagine our pond without ide fish. This is not astonishing, if you see how active an ide fish is present on the water surface. Besides, ide fish do not grub in the bottom and they will hardly eat from plants. Ides are a growing form of fish which originate from Europe. In a pond an ide will to a size ranging from forty to 24 in long. Their weight is maximum 4 kilograms. They can grow about 15 to 20 years old.
Species of ides we can find in our ponds include:

Golden orfe
Silver orfe
Blue orfe
Ides are real school-fish, which should be kept with at least five specimens. In contradistinction to a goldfish, for example, a gold orfe is a real surface fish, by which it attracts attention.
Care of the Ide
If a pond is deep enough, at least 40 in, they will easily hibernate in winter. They are not extremely sensitive to parasites, however, they are for water quality. That is the reason why an ide is also used by water treatment plants in particular systems, so that one can see the quality of the water is right or not.
The need of oxygen of an ide is more urgent than that of goldfish, for example. Consequently it is important that, if you buy ides, they will be introduced to a pond as quickly as possible. However, once in a pond an additional oxygen pump or a fountain is very important. Especially in plant ponds, where plants will withdraw oxygen from the water at night, this may lead to problems sometimes, if no measures would be taken for additional provision of oxygen. For ides balanced feed is available, which is easily digestible.

Owing to their colour scheme ides are clearly visible, for example, for herons and cats. The are different animal-friendly solutions to protect your orfes against these and different hunters.
6- Sunfish or Pumpkinseed :
text courtesy to : www.velda.com/pond-fish/types/
A sunfish is originates from a North-American pond fish. In nature a Pumpkinseedfish will grow to a height of 6 inch maximum and a length of maximum 10 inch. Once this size will have been reached its weight will be circa 500 grams. The age is about 10 to 12 years old.

Sunfish, keep vermin under control
This North American perch is a strong fish which will not easily fall ill. Your pond should be at least 28 inch deep, whereas it should have thickly and poorly planted areas. Also a shallow area of maximum 8 inch depth is important to enable the North American perch to build their nests. Pumpkinseedfish are often introduced to koi ponds in order to control vermin like insects and larvae. Never introduce more than one sunfish in your pond, because if they propagate and there will be too many sunfish in your pond, they will attack bigger fish. A sunfish likes balanced feed which is easy of digestion.
Length:4 inch (in a pond)
Appearance:Yellow-beige green spotted
Age:10 to 12 years
Feed:Insects, parasites (also on other fish), fish eggs, fry and additional feeding on high-grade quality feed with vitamins and minerals
Pond:At least 28 inch deep, locally shallow areas of 8 inch for mating. introduce at most 1 sunfish to a pond.
Protection: Necessary
Gold fish keeping .. Gold fish breeding ( PART one .. PART two ) .. Goldfish varieties
Koi fish keeping .. Koi fish breeding .. Koi fish varieties
Pond Other fish : - Sturgeon fish .. Sturgeon fish species
Turtles in the pond .. Part One .. Part Two turtles in Indoor ponds
Turtles species : Part 1 .. Part 2
Waterfalls , Ponds & water Gardens
Water gardens , Ponds & water features books & Magazines
Watergarden creatures : Plants .. Fish .. Turtles
Gold fish keeping .. Gold fish breeding ( PART one .. PART two ) .. Goldfish varieties
Koi fish keeping .. Koi fish breeding .. Koi fish varieties
Pond Other fish : - Sturgeon fish .. Sturgeon fish species
Turtles in the pond .. Part One .. Part Two turtles in Indoor ponds
Turtles species : Part 1 .. Part 2