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- Messor bouvieri :


Latin Name:Messor bouvieri


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini

Keeping Level:(1) Species from Southern Europe with higher requirements towards food and climate

Distribution:Southern Europe, North Africa

Habitat:Sand and shrub areas


Queen:Size: 15 - 18mm Colour: shiny black

Worker:Size: 3 - 14mm Colour: shiny black, polymorph

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 7 - 8mm Colour: black 

NutritionMostly seeds from different rampant plants (also grass) and also insects

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 25 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 26°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of November until end of February at 15°C

Nestform:Build their nest in soil and under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to savanah areas with grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels

Description:This species is a highly granivor ant which collects all kinds of small seeds and chew them to so- called antbread. Most of their waterrequirements are covered by seeds and insects.  Honeywater is only accepted when there is a lack of moisture. Messor bouvieri tends to drown in open water so it is necessary to cover waterplaces with little stones or cotton.

Development:matingflight:  autuum 
founding:  claustral (without feeding) colonyage up to 25 years
colonysize: up to 10.000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)




Mesor bouvieri

Camponotus micans :


Latin Name:Camponotus micans


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) for beginners with higer requirements towards climate


Habitat:open Grassland, sometimes under stones


Queen:Size: 11 - 12mm Colour: black with yellow hairs

Worker:Size: 7 - 10mm Colour: black with yellow hairs, polymorph (Minor, Media and Major workers)

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: black , slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C

Hibernation:no, queen has a endogenic biorhythm so reducing the temperature from end of november to the begin of february to 18°C can be useful

Nestform:Build their nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to Meadowareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels

Description:Camponotus micans is a small ant from southeurope which prefers dry land and shows higher activity at temperatures beyond 25°C

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus micans versus Pheidola pallidula

 - Camponotus lateralis :


Latin Name:Camponotus lateralis


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) for beginners with a colonysize of at least 10 workers


Habitat:open forests- and forestedges, sometimes under stones


Queen:Size: 8,5 - 10mm Colour: shiny black with a red head

Worker:Size: 4 - 7mm Colour: shiny black  with a red head, polymorph (Minor, Media and Major workers)

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 5 - 7mm Colour: black , slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of October until end of March at 5 - 8°C (has an endogenic Biorhythm)

Nestform:Build their nest in dead wood, dry branches

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Cork, Softwood Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to Forest- and Mountainareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels

Description:Camponotus lateralis is an arboreal antspecies from Southeurope. The majorworkers are often used as foodstorage. They live mainly in deadwood and are often found in a parabiotic connection with Crematogaster scutellaris.

Development:matingflight: on warm days from May to April 
founding:  claustral (without feeding) , Colonylifespan 5 - 8 years
colonysize: small colonies with mostly not more than 50 to 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus lateralis: Exposure to light

 - Crematogaster auberti  :


Latin Name :Crematogaster auberti


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Crematogastrini

Haltungsklasse:(2) specie from mediterranean climate

Distribiution:Southeurope, Northafrica

Habitate:meadows and forests


Queen:Size: 8,5 - 9,5mm Colour: black

Worker:Size: 3,2 - 3,8mm Colour: reddish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 4- 4,2mm Colour: Head and Thorax blackish brown, Gaster brown

Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos

rel. AirhumidityArena: 40 - 60% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, for 1 to 2 month at 15 - 18°C

Nestform:Soil-dwelling, partly in dead wood and branches

Kind of FormicariaFarm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

FormicariasizeSize: M - L

Substrate:Farm: Cork, softwood Arena: Sand-Loam

Planting:xerothermic plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, stones

Description:Theyse species builds papernests in dead wood and are a very important pollinater for different plants in Spain.

Development:matingflight: July until the end of October
founding:  claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Crematogaster auberti

 - Camponotus gestroi :


Latin Name:Camponotus gestroi


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) through their origin higer requirments towards climate

Distribution:Southeurope over Northafrica to Middle East

Habitat:dry grassland and on lime stone


Queen:Size: 9 - 10mm Colour: shiny black, Antenna and Legs red

Worker:Size: 3 - 7mm Colour: shiny black, Antenna and Legs red, extremely polymorph (Minor, Media and Major workers)

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: black, slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from dezember to February at 15°C 

Nestform:Build their nest in soil 

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to forest- and mountainareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:branches, roots, treeneedels

Description:Camponotus aethiops is a very xerothermic ant from Southeurope. It is at many places on the "Red List".

founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: a few 100 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus gestroi

 - Aphaenogaster spec. :


Latin Name:Aphaenogaster spec.


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini

Keeping Level:(2) Species from Southern Europe with higher requirements towards food and climate

Distribution:Southspain and Portugal

Habitat:prefers closed forests and avoids aride areas


Queen:Size: 7mm Colour: black, Gaster yellow

Worker:Size: 6 - 7mm Colour: black

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionInsects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of November until end of February at 15°C

Nestform:Build their nest in soil often under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam, Humus Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to Forestareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels


founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to 10.000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Aphaenogaster spec.

Solenopsis fugax :


Latin Name:Solenopsis fugax


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Solenopsidini

Keeping Level:(1) Species from Southern Europe with higher requirements towards food and climate as well as escape prevention

Distribution:Southern Europe, Southern European Peninsula, North Africa

Habitat:Sand- and shrub areas


Queen:Size: 6 - 6,5mm Colour: blackish brown

Worker:Size: 1,5 - 3mm Colour: yellow to brownish yellow


Males:Size: 4 - 4,8mm Colour: black 

NutritionHoneywater, insects

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 25 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of November until end of February at 15°C

Nestform:Build their nest in soil and under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest, Acrylflatfarm

Formicaria size:Size: S

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to Savanahareas with  grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels, Stones

Description:This species is one of the smallest ants in Germany. In their natural environment they collect brood from other ants. They are often associated with their host ants e.g. Lasius spec. or Serviformica spec. .

Development:matingflight:  August - October
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: up to 100.000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Solenopsis fugax: Nest view

- Tapinoma nigerrimum :


Latin Name:Tapinoma nigerrimum


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Dolichoderinae Tribe: Dolichoderini

Keeping Level:(2) needs a good escape prevention, known as invasive species in some regions

Distribiution:South Europe, Central Asia

Habitate:prefers xerothermic grasslands and ruralareas

Colonyform:monogyne and polygyne

Queen:Size: 5 - 6mm Colour: black

Worker:Size: 3 - 5mm Colour: black

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 4 - 4,5mm Colour: black, slim

Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from December until end of February at 5 - 8°C 

Nestform:Nests in soil, between vegetation

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size:  S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-loam Arena: Sand, sand-loam, mould, wood

Planting:similar to grassland with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedles

Description:Very aggressiv ant species which dominates most areas by its for other ants toxic secretion which comes out of its anal gland

Development:matingflight: april - may
founding:  claustral 
colonysize:a few 1000 individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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My Tapinoma Nigerrimum Get There First Outworld

 - Tetramorium semilaeve:


Latin Name:Tetramorium semilaeve


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Tetramoriini

Keeping Level:(1) suitable for beginners, but a good working escape prevention is necessary

Distribution:Europe, North Africa, Mediterranean Asia

Habitate:prefers xerothermic openland, sunexposed forestedges, in urbanareas on sealed spaces, often as houseant


Queen:Size: 6 - 8mm Colour: reddish brown

Worker:Size: 2 - 4mm Colour: reddish brown

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 5 - 7mm Colour: black

Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, seeds

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of October until end of March at 5 - 8°C 

Nestform:Build their nest in soil, under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylflatformicaria, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: S - M

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Loam

Planting:like grasslands

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, stones

Description:This is an aggressive ants species which shows a high activity at warm days. This species is an important host ant for Strongylognathus testaceus and Anergates astratulus.

Development:matingflight: from July to August 
founding:  claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: up to 10,000 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Tetramorium semilaeve 

Colobobsis truncatus :


Latin Name:Colobobsis truncatus (ehem. Camponotus truncatus)

Trivialname:Doorkepper Ant

Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(2) arboreal specie with higer requirements towards climate


Habitat:deadwood, open Forest and singletrees


Queen:Size: 6 - 7mm Colour: Head flat red, similar to worker

Worker:Size: 7 - 10mm Colour: Head and thorax red, Gaster black with yellow dots, polymorph

Soldier:flat dark- red head, Thorax red, Gaster black with yellow dots

Males:Size: 4 - 5mm Colour: black , slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C

Hibernation:yes October to march at 5 to 8°C

Nestform:Build their nest in dead wood

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Cork, Wood Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to meadowareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:branches, roots, treeneedels

Description:This type is also called "Doorkeeper ant", and is one of the smaller, more inconspicuous Camponotus species.
It has a conspicuous "Castedimorphism": In addition to ordinary workers, there is a specialized "doorkeeper ant", the narrow nest entrances obstruct colony associated ants can pass it, but for foreign ants and insects it is an impassable barrier these "bouncers" have a conspicuously flattened head, which acts like a wedge.

Development:matingflight: June to August
founding:  claustral (without feeding) Queen uses the hallways of other xylobiontic Insects. 
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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 - Temnothorax cf. exilis :


Latin Name:Temnothorax cf. exilis


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Formicoxenini

Keeping Level:(1) suitable for beginners

Distribiution:Southern Europe

Habitate:cork, galls, acorns and sticks


Queen:Size: 4 - 5 mm Colour: reddish brown, gaster darker

Worker:Size: 2 - 4 mm Colour: yellowish brown to reddish brown, gaster darker

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 2,5 - 3,5 mm Colour: like the queen

Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of October until end of March at 5 - 8°C 

Nestform:Build their nest in acorns, sticks, under bark or galls

Kind of Formicaria:
acrylflatnest, plaster

Formicaria size:Size: S 

Substrate:Farm: Cork, lightwood Arena: Sand-loam

Planting:not necessary

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, acorns

Description:Temnothorax is a peaceful ant genus that dodges to the ground when they get in contact with other ants.  It is no problem to keep Temnothorax with other ants like genus Camponotus.

Development:matingflight: - 
founding:  claustral (without feeding) but also pleometrosis or adoptions are possible.
colonysize: rarely up to 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Temnothorax cf. exilis

Camponotus piceus :


Latin Name:Camponotus piceus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) for beginners with a colonysize of at least 10 workers

Distribution:Centraleurope, Southern Europe

Habitat:Xerothermous open habitats

Colonyform:monogyne, rarely oligogyne

Queen:Size: 7 - 9mm Colour: shiny black; chest: brown

Worker:Size: 4 - 7mm Colour: shiny black, legs reddish

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: black , slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of October until end of March at 5 - 8°C (has an endogenic biorhythm)

Nestform:Build their nest soil

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Cork, Softwood Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to forest- and mountainareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels

Description:Camponotus piceus is a very rare ant and shy towards other ants. Through the proceeding loss of livingground they are on the German "Red List".

Development:matingflight: on warm days end of April to the beginning of July
founding:  claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: small colonies with 100 to 200 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus piceus

Temnothorax spec. from Spain :


Latin Name:Temnothorax spec. from Spain


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Formicoxenini

Keeping Level:(1) suitable for beginners

Distribiution:Southeurope ( Northspain)

Habitate:prefers mixed Forest but can also often be found in dry pineforests

Colonyform:monogyne, during summer more than 50% queenless

Queen:Size: 4 - 5 mm Colour: red brownish, Gaster more darkly

Worker:Size: 2 - 4 mm Colour: red brownish, Gaster more darkly

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 2,5 - 3,5 mm Colour: like the queen

Nutrion:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of October until end of March at 5 - 8°C 

Nestform:Build their nest in acorns, sticks, under bark or galls

Kind of Formicaria:
acrylflatnest, plaster

Formicaria size:Size: S

Substrate:Farm: Cork, lightwood Arena: -

Planting:not necessary

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, acorns or galls

Description:Extremly small and interesting ants. One colony often fits into an acorn. Very active and nice to look at. Avoids conflicts with other ants. It is possible to keep them with other larger species in one formicarium.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: rarely up to 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Temnothorax spec. in the nest inspection with tandem moving

Cataglyphis hispanicus :


Latin Name :Cataglyphis hispanicus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Formicini

Haltungsklasse:(2) fast development which makes it nessecary to enlarge the space 

Distribiution:Southeurope, Northafrica

Habitate:sunexposed Sandareas


Queen:Size: 18 - 22mm Colour: grey - black

Worker:Size: 5 - 15mm Colour: grey - black

Soldier:not present


Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos

rel. AirhumidityArena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, for 1 to 2 month at 15 - 18°C 

Nestform:Build their nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

FormicariasizeSize: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand- Loam Arena: Sand-Loam

Planting:xerophytic plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Stones

Description:Cataglyphis hispanicus is a aggressiv fast moving ant. Very similar to Catagylphis viaticus. They have a very good visual orientation.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Cataglyphis hispanicus

 - Camponotus dalmaticus


Latin Name:Camponotus dalmaticus


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) for beginners with a colonysize of at least 10 workers


Habitat:open Forests and Forestedges, sometimes under stones


Queen:Size: 8,5 - 10mm Colour: shiny black with a red to black head

Worker:Size: 4 - 6mm Colour: shiny black  with a red to black head, polymorph (Minor, Media and Major workers)

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 5 - 7mm Colour: black , slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, reducing the temperature for approx. 3 month to 15 - 18°C (has an endogenic Biorhythm)

Nestform:Build their nest in dead wood, dry branches

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Kork, Weichholz Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to Forest- and Mountainareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels

Description:Camponotus dalmaticus is an arboreal living antspecies from southeurope. The majorworkers are often used as foodstorage. The live mainly  in deadwood and can often be found in a parabiotic connection withCrematogaster scutellaris.

Development:matingflight: on warm days from May to April 
founding:  claustral (without feeding) , Colonylifespan 5 - 8 years
colonysize: small colonies with mostly not more than 50 to 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus dalmaticus

Camponotus nylanderi :


Latin Name:Camponotus nylanderi


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) for beginners with higer requirements towards climate

Distribution:Southeurope mainly Italy, Croatia but also in Marocco

Habitat:open grassland, sometimes under stones


Queen:Size: 11 - 12mm Colour: head blackish brown, Thorax blackish brown, legs yellowish brown, bulky

Worker:Size: 5 - 6,5mm Colour: head blackish brown, Thorax yellowish brown to blackish brown, polymorph (Minor, Media and Major workers)

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: black, slim

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosquitos

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 28°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of to november to the end of february at 15 - 18°C (unheated room)

Nestform:Build their nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to meadowareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:branches, roots, treeneedels

Description:Camponotus nylanderi is a nocturnal antspecies which shows their activity maxima during the night. They are very aggressiv and defend there nest active against enemies and nest disturbance. 

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus nylanderi

Cataglyphis nodus :


Latin Name :Cataglyphis nodus

Trivialname:Desert Ant

Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Formicini

Haltungsklasse:(2) fast development which make it nessecary to enlarge the space

Distribiution:Southeurope, Middleeast

Habitate:sunexposed sandareas, desert


Queen:Size: 11 - 12,8mm Colour: Head and Thorax red, Gaster black

Worker:Size: 5 - 12,7mm Colour: Head and Thorax red, Gaster black

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: Dark brown, Mandibles and Antenna yellowish brown

Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like Flies or Mosqitos

rel. AirhumidityArena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, for 1 to 2 month at 15 - 18°C 

Nestform:Build their nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

FormicariasizeSize: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand- Loam Arena: Sand-Loam

Planting:xerophytic plants, Gras

Decoration:branches, roots, stones

Description:Cataglyphis nodus is an aggressiv fast moving ant. Very similar to Catagylphis viaticus. They have a very good visual orientation.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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13 - 04  - 2012 Cataglyphis nodus

Messor meridionalis :


Latin Name:Messor meridionalis Synonyme: Messor cf. meridionale


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Myrmicinae Tribe: Pheidolini

Keeping Level:(1) Species from Middle east with higher requirements towards food and climate

Distribution:Southeurope, Central Asia and Middle East

Habitat:Sand and shrub areas


Queen:Size: 11 - 12mm Colour: blackish brown

Worker:Size: 3 - 9mm Colour: blackish brown to reddish brown also bicolored variations possible

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: black 

NutritionMostly seeds from different rampant plants (also grass) but insects too

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 70%

Temperature:Arena: 25 - 30°C Nestpart: 21 - 26°C

Hibernation:yes, from end of November until end of February at 15°C (unheated room)

Nestform:Build their nest in soil and under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plasternest

Formicaria size:Size: M 

Substrate:Farm: Sand-Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam

Planting:similar to savanah areas with grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, roots, treeneedels, stones

Description:This species is a highly granivor ant which collects all kinds of small seeds and chew them to so- called antbread. Most of their waterrequirements are covered through seeds and insects.  Honeywater is only accepted when there is a lack of moisture. Messor meridonalis tends to drown in open water so it is necessary to cover waterplaces with little stones or cotton. It`s also often selled under the name Messor cf. meridionale.

Development:matingflight:  -
founding:  claustral (without feeding) colonyage up to 25 years
colonysize: a few 1.000 Individuals

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Messor meridionalis

Cataglyphis cursor :


Latin Name :Cataglyphis cursor 


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Formicini

Haltungsklasse:(2) fast development which makes it nessecary to enlarge the space 

Distribiution:Southeurope, Middleeast

Habitate:sunexposed sandareas


Queen:Size: 10mm Colour: reddish brown, gaster shiny black

Worker:Size: 3 - 8mm Colour: shiny black

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: 9 - 10mm Colour: shiny black

Nutrition:Honeywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos

rel. AirhumidityArena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 21 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes, for 1 to 2 month at 15 - 18°C( unheated room)

Nestform:Build their nest in soil

Kind of Formicaria
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Ytong/Plaster

FormicariasizeSize: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand- Loam Arena: Sand-Loam

Planting:xerophytic plants

Decoration:branches, roots, stones

Description:Cataglyphis cf. cursor is an aggressiv fast moving ant. Very similar to Catagylphis viaticus. They have a very good visual orientation. Cataglyphis cursor is also well known for their rescue behavior to free trapped nestmates.

Development:matingflight: -
founding:  claustral (without feeding) 
colonysize: a few 100 workers

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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Camponotus pilicornis :


Latin Name:Camponotus pilicornis


Taxonomy:Subfamily: Formicinae Tribe: Camponotini

Keeping Level:(1) for beginners with a colonysize of at least 10 workers

Distribution:France, Gibraltar, Greece, Iberian Peninsula, Portugal, Spain

Habitat:open Forests and forestedges, sometimes under stones


Queen:Size: 16mm Colour: yellowish black, bulky

Worker:Size: 6 - 14mm  Colour: yellowish brown, polymorph

Soldier:not present

Males:Size: - Colour: -

NutritionHoneywater and insects e.g. Dipterans like flies or mosquitos, small crickets,

Airhumidity:Arena: 30 - 50% Nestpart: 50 - 60%

Temperature:Arena: 18 - 28°C Nestpart: 21 - 24°C

Hibernation:yes from october to march at 5 - 8°C ( cooler)

Nestform:Build their nest in soil and under stones

Kind of Formicaria:
Farm, Farmbasin, Basin, Framebasin, Island, Acrylcylinder, Ytong/Plaster

Formicaria size:Size: M - L 

Substrate:Farm: Sand- Loam Arena: Sand, Sand-Loam, Humus

Planting:similar to Forest- and Mountainareas with moss, grass and other plants

Decoration:Branches, Roots, Treeneedels

Description:Beautiful and active ant from southeurope. they are very active and build up big colonies. 

Development:matingflight: july
founding:  claustral (without feeding)
colonysize: a few 1000 individuals 

Quantity:one fertilized queen with workers (see selection); brood (depending on the season and development)


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17/08/2014. Camponotus pilicornis

Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ...    1   -   2   -   3


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Ants : introduction , care and vivarium set up ...    1   -   2   -   3


Ants Species : Africa  :    1    -    2  

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