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Family: Parazoanthidae


1- Colonial Yellow Polyps

Yellow Encrusting Sea Anemone, Yellow Polyps


Parazoanthus axinellae


Colonial Yellow Polyps are quite common and readily available for a reef aquarium!

The Parazoanthus species are very common in the aquarium trade, but there is quite a variety within this genus. They are found in the both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and from both tropical and temperate waters. Some can be found living on rock or other hard substrates, and many grow on hydroids, gorgonians, or sponges. Typically the sponge, or whatever life form a Parazoanthus has attached itself to, will need to be kept healthy or the polyps themselves may die.


The Colonial Yellow Polyps Parazoanthus axinellae, also known as Yellow Encrusting Sea Anemone or simply just Yellow Polyps, are from the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean, and possibly from the Pacific. Most of the Parazoanthus sp. are not yet classified, or they are mis-identified. The taxonomy of the Zoanthids itself has been very difficult. Although some species are described, it is still largely speculative.


The Parazoanthus corals are mostly not identified to the species level, especially those from the Pacific. Rather they will often be described by such things as their number of tentacles or their host organism, but also by their color. The Colonial Yellow Polyps P. axinellae is one species that has been described, and as they sometimes encrust Axinella Antler Sponges, that is reflected in its scientific name. However many of the Parazoanthus species that sport a yellow, golden or orange coloration have not yet been described, and most are just simply called Yellow Polyps.


Yellow Polyps can be moderate to hard to care for. Most of the Parazoanthus corals do not contain the marine algae, zooxanthellae, so the need to take in food is very important to their survival. They generally need a medium current and moderate light. Though most may not need light for zooxanthellae to grow, all species need to be fed zooplankton type foods and will usually feed readily.


The Colonial Yellow Polyps P. axinellae encrusts rock or various types of dead matter, like old worm tubes. However for some Parazoanthus species, their survival may depend on the survival of their host organism. For those with a host sponge, the sponge does need to be in a high water flow area. It can be put in a dimmer part of the tank to avoid cyanobacteria from forming.


The Parazoanthus corals are not an aggressive species, but they can grow over skeletons of corals or gorgonians. If the sponge can encroach on other corals, the polyps will follow. Filamentous algae can be a problem, as it can smother them. As with most zoanthids, mushroom anemones should not be placed nearby.


Scientific name :

 Family: Parazoanthidae
 Species: Parazoanthus axinellae

Distribution / Background :


 Parazoanthus Coral Information: The Parazoanthus genus was described by Haddon and Shackleton in 1899. Species found in the Atlantic include P. axinellae, P. catenularis, P. parasiticus, P. puertoricense, P. swiftii, and P. tunicans; species found in the Pacific include P. dichroicus. The common Yellow Polyps often referred to as P. gracilis also come from the Pacific, however these have not yet been scientifically identified to the species level, or even to the genus level. So this is not a valid scientific name or classification for these zoanthids.


The Colonial Yellow Polyps Parazoanthus axinellae was described by Schmidt in 1862. Other common names this species is known for are Yellow Encrusting Anemone, Yellow Encrusting Sea Anemone, and Yellow Polyps.


Where Parazoanthus Corals Are Found: The Parazoanthus genus are common in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. P. axinellae are found in the Mediterranean and in the temperate zones of the eastern Atlantic; and possibly Pacific species.


Parazoanthus Coral Habitat: The Parazoanthus genus inhabits numerous locations throughout the reef. They will encrust rocks or various types of dead matter, like old worm tubes; or many will grow on living organisms like hydroids, gorgonians, or sponges. The prefix "Para" is often associated with a parasitic situation where the host views its newly found friend as a pest. In this case, though, Parazoanthus are not presumed to be parasitic to their hosts as both are believed to benefit from each other's company.


The Parazoanthus sp. do not live in areas where the light is intense, and like their hosts, this is not as important as needing to feed from the water column. Most prefer a moderate current and medium light. The Colonial Yellow Polyps P. axinellae encrusts rock and old worm tubes, or other types of dead matter. Sometimes they will colonize the Antler Sponges from the Axinella genus.


Status  :

The Parazoanthus genus is not on the IUCN Red List for Endangered Species.


Description  :


What do Parazoanthus Corals look like: The Parazoanthus genus usually form small colonies and reproduce asexually by budding daughter polyps from their base. They can be solitary polyps or connected through a mat, called the coenenchyma. If a mat is present it is usually membranous, but unlike many other Zoanthids, their mat doesn't have sand or sediment incorporated into it. Most of the Parazoanthus corals do not contain the marine algae, zooxanthellae, so the need to take in food from the water column is very important to their survival. They also produce a strong compound that is toxic to many fish.


 The Parazoanthus corals have soft bodies covered with a leathery skin, called the cuticle, which gives them protection. The bodies are usually fluted and they have long, thin tentacles. Their colors can be yellow, golden, orange, yellow-brown, or green-brown, and with some being dark red or wine colored. Their color will often contrasts with the color of their host organism, most likely to prevent predation.


Descriptions for some of these types of Zoanthids from the Atlantic:


  • Parazoanthus axinellae - Colonial Yellow Polyps, Yellow Encrusting Anemone   This Zoanthid is an Atlantic species and it is also referred to as a "yellow polyp". It is found on encrusting rock, old worm tubes and other surfaces. It has a fluted shape and the colonies consist of polyps that are not touching at the base.   Though it will sometimes encrust the Antler Sponges from the Axinella genus, It does not need a host to survive. They need moderate light and moderate water movement.

  • Parazoanthus catenularis - Brown Sponge Zoanthid   This is also an Atlantic species that has brown to yellowish brown polyps with 20 tentacles.

  • Parazoanthus parasiticus - Sponge Zoanthid    This Zoanthid is an Atlantic species that is greenish brown or brown to yellow with a white body column that is encrusted with sand and it has 28 tentacles. They are found on red boring sponges, tube sponges, or loggerhead sponges in small groupings.

  • Parazoanthus puertoricense  This too is an Atlantic species that are dark red to white and at times clear. They grow on volcano sponges, tube sponges and Pipes of Pan.

  • Parazoanthus swiftii - Golden Zoanthid, Yellow Caribbean Colonial Anemone   Another Atlantic species that are bright orange, gold or yellow and are found on sponges. They grow in a spiral formation across finger sponges, rope sponges and tube sponges.

  • Parazoanthus tunicans - Hydroid Zoanthid  Another Atlantic species that are orange, brown green or pale yellow with sand-encrusted columns and grows on hydroids from the Plumularia genus.

   Descriptions for some of these types of Zoanthids from the Pacific: 


  • Parazoanthus gracilis - Yellow Polyps   The common Yellow Polyps often referred to as P. gracilis also come from the Pacific, however these have not yet been scientifically identified to the species level, or even to the genus level. So this is not a valid scientific name or classification for these zoanthids. These polyps are found in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean on rocks and other surfaces where there is moderate light and water movements. They catch zooplankton and uses light for survival.

  • Parazoanthus dichroicus - Sponge Zoanthid    This Zoanthid is a Pacific species that are small with sediment encrusted polyps. These polyps are beige with orange or yellow tentacles. These grow on hydroids.

  • Parazoanthus dixoni   This is another Zoanthid from the Pacific that looks very much like P. axinellae. At times it is mislabeled as P. gracilis. It would be assumed to have similar lighting and water movement needs.

Difficulty of Care :


Parazoanthus Coral Care: The Parazoanthus genus can be moderate to hard to care for. Most of theParazoanthus corals do not contain the marine algae, zooxanthellae, so the need to take in food is very important to their survival. They generally need a medium current and moderate light. Though most may not need light for zooxanthellae to grow, all species need to be fed zooplankton type foods and will usually feed readily.


The Colonial Yellow Polyps P. axinellae encrusts rock or various types of dead matter, like old worm tubes. However for some Parazoanthus species, their survival may depend on the survival of their host organism. For those with a host sponge, the sponge does need to be in a high water flow area. It can be put in a dimmer part of the tank to avoid cyanobacteria from forming.


They make a fine aquarium coral, but with some caution. Parazoanthus produce palytoxin, one of the most potent poisons known to science. For this reason one should take care when handling them. Don't handle them if you have cuts or open wounds and make sure to clean your hands after handling.


There are a couple of cautionary items to be aware of when you keep Zoanthids:


  • Palytoxin  The members of the Zoanthidae family have varying degrees of poison called palytoxin. All of the Palythoagenus and most Protopalythoa genus produce a high level of this poison in their mucus and gonads. Other genera, such as the Zoanthus genus, have it to a lesser extent, and so a less dangerous degree.   To be affected by this toxin, it must either be ingested or must enter the bloodstream. It can enter the system through an open wound. It has been suggested by some that it may also be absorbed through skin contact though this is not confirmed.   The danger to the aquarist is minimal with proper precautions. If you have a cut on your hand, this poison can get into your system, but in average aquarium keeping it is unlikely to pose any danger beyond a localized skin reaction. Some hobbyists wear gloves when handling these organisms.Here's a couple interesting facts!   Fish that eat Paly polyps, like the filefish, can bring this palytoxin in to the human food chain. This would be when a predator of the filefish is a fish that is typically eaten by humans.   Also, Pacific tribes used to use this neuromuscular poison to paralyze enemies and prey animals by coating their spears with the mucus of these corals.

  • Vibrio Infection    Vibrio can at times be in the coral mucus, thus causing a Vibrio infection in humans if care is not taken. Most people have no problem, but caution and common sense play a role here. Wearing gloves and possibly goggles may be the safe route to go. After handling a Zoanthid, make sure the mucus is not on your glove or hand before handling any other corals!

Foods / Feeding :


Parazoanthus Coral Feeding: In the wild, Parazoanthus zoanthids have developed several feeding strategies. They capture planktonic organisms and microscopic food particles from the water column, and can absorb dissolved organic matter. Unlike other zoanthids, most of the Parazoanthus sp. do not contain the marine algae, zooxanthellae, so the need to take in food from the water column is very important to their survival.


 In captivity the Colonial Yellow Polyps do not need light, since they have no zooxanthellae. But in general theParazoanthus sp. do need to be fed zooplankton to survive. Some species also do well with crustacean and fish flesh that has been minced, along with worms that are all small enough for them to grab. Polyps such as the common Yellow Polyps may not need supplemental feeding if they are in a good water flow area that whisks by food you have put in for the fish, enabling the polyps to capture their meals.


Aquarium Care  :


Stable tank conditions are needed to keep the Parazoanthus genus. Doing water changes of 20% a month or 10% biweekly is needed, although it is suggested that doing 5% water changes once a week will replenish many of the needed additives. Make sure iodine is present, and also the addition of trace elements may help with the Colonial Yellow Polyps survival.


 Suggested levels for Parazoanthus species are:

  • Calcium:  380 - 430 ppm

  • Alkalinity:  3.2 - 4.8 MEQ/L (8 to 11 dKh - 10 is recommended)

  • Phosphates:  0, zero.

  • Magnesium:  1250 - 1300 ppm.

  • Strontium:  8 - 10

Aquarium Parameters :


A typical live rock/reef environment is what is needed for your Colonial Yellow Polyps, along with some fish for organic matter production. A mature tank (well over a year old) is advised to increase the successful keeping of Parazoanthus. The P. axinellae is from temperate waters and needs cooler aquarium temperatures, so a chiller may be needed.


Provide proper lighting and water movement. Moderate water flow and a medium light source are required for Colonial Yellow Polyps to do well. These zoanthids are not an aggressive species. They get along well with their own kind, but space should be provided between them and other corals as they can overtake close neighbors.


  • Minimum Tank Size / Length: 10 gallon Nano (38 L) or larger

  • Marine Lighting: Medium for most species. Most can be put in a dimmer part of the tank to avoid cyanobacteria from forming.

  • Temperature: 72° - 83° F (22° - 27° C). Polyps from temperate waters need cooler temperatures of 59° - 73° F (15° - 23° C)

  • Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.025

  • Water Movement: Moderate to high. For some Parazoanthus species, their survival may depend on the survival of their host organism. For those with a host sponge, the sponge does need to be in a high water flow area.

  • Water Region: All areas of the aquarium

Compatibility and Social Behaviors :


The Parazoanthus genus will get along with itself, but does need to be placed in an area where they will not encroach on nearby corals. They can grow over skeletons of corals or gorgonians. If the sponge can encroach on other corals, the polyps will follow.


Colonial Yellow Polyps are not an aggressive species. They can be kept in the company of small peaceful coral reef fish and peaceful crustaceans. Other good tank mates include herbivorous blennies that will feed on filamentous algae. Avoid large crustaceans, large angelfish, and most butterflyfish. Sea Anemones and Tube Anemones should also be avoided.


Sex - Sexual differences   : No sexual difference in appearance is known.


Breeding and Reproduction :


 The Parazoanthus genus reproduce by forming and budding off new polyps from the base of the parent.


Propagation of Parazoanthus corals includes making sure you have enough of the host (sponge, etc.) to ensure its survival as well as the Parazoanthus. If the Parazoanthus is connected to just a rock, then chances are it will be fine on its own. They can be out of the water a few minutes with no ill effects. Dry the bottom of the piece and the rock or plug you will be putting it on. Then use super glue (the gel is the best) to connect them. Wait a few seconds for it to set and then put it back into the water.


Potential Problems:


The Parazoanthus genus is generally hardy and durable if provided with a proper reef environment. However be cautious of filamentous algae as it will overgrown and smother polyps.


A snail called the Box Snail or Sundial Snail Heliacus areola preys on Zoanthid colonies, so must be removed if seen. Avoid large crustaceans and aufwachs feeders, such as large angelfish and most butterflyfish, that like to nibble on their tentacles.


Availability :


Parazoanthus Corals for Sale: The Parazoanthus sp. are easy to find at pet shops and on line for species attached to rock, while Parazoanthus with a sponge host are more difficult to find. Online they can run about $16.00 USD or more, depending on the color and size.


References : 


  • Animal-World References: Marine and Reef

  • Eric Borneman, Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History , TFH Publications, 2001

  • Anthony Calfo, Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1 Edition 2: Reef Gardening for Aquarists, Reading Trees; 2nd edition, 2007

  • Helmut Debelius and Hans A. Baensch, Marine Atlas Volume 1 (Baensch Marine Atlas), Microcosm Ltd, 1997

  • Ronald L. Shimek, Guide to Marine Invertebrates: 500+ Essential-to-Know Aquarium Species, Microcosm, 2005

  • Julian Sprung, Zoanthids: Polyps as cute as a button, Advanced Aquarist's Online Magazine, Copyright 2003

2-Yellow Polyps

Parazoanthus gracilis


The Yellow Polyps are a staple that everyone, beginners to experts, loves to have in their aquarium!

The Yellow Polyps, often referred to as Parazoanthus gracilis, are an unusually beautiful colonial anemone. They have long thin tentacles attached to a fluted body. The polyps are individual, not an encrusting mat, and are bright yellow or gold in color. A most interesting thing about these colonial corals is that their polyps will open or close at the same time. Because of this it is believed that the individual polyps send messages to each other probably by chemical means.


The Parazoanthus species are very common in the aquarium trade, but there is quite a variety within this genus. These common Yellow Polyps are found in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean and can be solitary or in small groupings. They live on rocks and other surfaces where there is moderate light and water movement. They catch zooplankton from the water column and may also contain the marine algae known as zooxanthellae. These will both provide nutrients that are necessary for their survival.


Easy to care for and readily available, the Yellow Polyps can be recommended to beginners. A moderate water movement is required and they need to be fed zooplankton type foods. They can also be fed brine shrimp, chopped worms, flake food, and mysis. They will usually feed readily, though may decline food if not fed regularly. They reproduce by budding and will spread across any surface, including the aquarium glass.


Most of the Parazoanthus sp. are not yet classified, or they are misidentified. The taxonomy of the Zoanthids itself has been very difficult. Although some species are described, it is still largely speculative. The Colonial Yellow PolypsP. axinellae is one of only a few species that has been described. The common Yellow Polyps have not yet been scientifically identified to the species level, or even to the genus level. Although they are generally referred to asParazoanthus gracilis, this is not a valid scientific name or classification for these zoanthids.


The Yellow Polyps are the poster child for why taxonomic placement can be such a nightmare. For two reasons they are put into the Parazoanthus genus. One is because they are yellow, which is the color of most Parazoanthusspecies, and the other is because they do need supplemental feeding. In fact, the only things that seems to make them similar is the color and the need to eat.


There are several areas where the Yellow Polyps are different from Parazoanthus. Many Parazoanthus species only grow on living organisms like hydroids, gorgonians, or sponges, and need this host to survive. The Yellow Polyps usually do not, in fact they have different needs. They need moderate lighting to support zooxanthellae, which some believe they contain. They are also not picky about what you feed them, unlike Parazoanthus sp. that only will eat zooplanktonic foods. It has been an issue of debate as to where to put the P. gracilis. Some feel they are more like Acrozoanthus or Zoanthus species. For now they are an orphan, but still referred to as Parazoanthus gracilis.


Though Parazoanthus corals are not an aggressive species, they will encroach and grow over other corals. As with most zoanthids, the Yellow Polyps should not be placed next to corallimorphs like the Discosoma sp. or other types of mushroom anemones. Filamentous algae can be a problem, as it can smother them.



Scientific name

   Family: Parazoanthidae
   Species: Parazoanthus gracilis

  Note: The Yellow polyps have not yet been scientifically identified to the species level, or even to the genus level. So this is not a valid scientific name or classification for these zoanthids.




Due to the Similarity .... Here is a brief .. For more information click on the primary name ..


   The Parazoanthus genus is not on the IUCN Red List for Endangered Species.

Difficulty of Care :


Parazoanthus Coral Care: The Yellow Polyps P. gracilis are a recommended beginner's coral. They are easy to care for but do need light and food to survive. In fact, the lighting along with feeding helps them to propagate faster. They also need moderate water movement where they can catch particles of food that are given to the fish. They are not picky eaters.


There are a couple of cautionary items to be aware of when you keep Zoanthids:


  • Palytoxin  The members of the Zoanthidae family have varying degrees of poison called palytoxin. All of the Palythoagenus and most Protopalythoa genus produce a high level of this poison in their mucus and gonads. Other genera, such as the Zoanthus genus, have it to a lesser extent, and so a less dangerous degree.   To be affected by this toxin, it must either be ingested or must enter the bloodstream. It can enter the system through an open wound. It has been suggested by some that it may also be absorbed through skin contact though this is not confirmed.   The danger to the aquarist is minimal with proper precautions. If you have a cut on your hand, this poison can get into your system, but in average aquarium keeping it is unlikely to pose any danger beyond a localized skin reaction. Some hobbyists wear gloves when handling these organisms.Here's a couple interesting facts!   Fish that eat Paly polyps, like the filefish, can bring this palytoxin in to the human food chain. This would be when a predator of the filefish is a fish that is typically eaten by humans.   Also, Pacific tribes used to use this neuromuscular poison to paralyze enemies and prey animals by coating their spears with the mucus of these corals.

  • Vibrio Infection    Vibrio can at times be in the coral mucus, thus causing a Vibrio infection in humans if care is not taken. Most people have no problem, but caution and common sense play a role here. Wearing gloves and possibly goggles may be the safe route to go. After handling a Zoanthid, make sure the mucus is not on your glove or hand before handling any other corals!

Foods / Feeding:


Parazoanthus Coral Feeding: In the wild, Parazoanthus zoanthids have developed several feeding strategies. They capture planktonic organisms and microscopic food particles from the water column, and can absorb dissolved organic matter. Unlike other Parazoanthus sp, the P. gracilis may have a symbiotic relationship with a marine algae, known as zooxanthellae, where they would receive some of their nutrients.


n captivity the Yellow Polyps do well with crustacean and fish flesh that has been minced, along with worms that are small enough for them to grab. They do not need supplemental feeding if they are in a good water flow area that whisks by food you have put in for the fish, enabling the polyp to capture its meal.


Aquarium Care:


Stable tank conditions are needed to keep the Parazoanthus genus. Doing water changes of 20% a month or 10% biweekly is needed, although it is suggested that doing 5% water changes once a week will replenish many of the needed additives. Make sure iodine is present, and also the addition of trace elements may help with the Colonial Yellow Polyps survival.


Suggested levels for Parazoanthus species are:

  • Calcium:  380 - 430 ppm

  • Alkalinity:  3.5 - 4.2 MEQ/L (8 to 11 dKh - 10 is recommended)

  • Phosphates:  0, zero.

  • Magnesium:  1250 - 1300 ppm.

  • Strontium:  8 - 10

Aquarium Parameters :


A typical live rock/reef environment is what is needed for your Yellow Polyps, along with some fish for organic matter production. A mature tank (well over a year old) is advised to increase the successful keeping of P. gracilis. The Yellow Polyps are from temperate waters and need cooler aquarium temperatures, so a chiller may be needed.


Provide proper lighting and water movement. Moderate water flow and a medium light source are required for Yellow Polyps to do well. These zoanthids are not an aggressive species. They get along well with their own kind, but space should be provided between them and other corals as they can overtake close neighbors.


  • Minimum Tank Size / Length: 10 gallon Nano (38 L) or larger

  • Marine Lighting: Medium to high

  • Temperature: 59° - 73° F (15° - 23° C). Parazoanthus species from tropical waters require 72° - 83° F (22° - 27° C).

  • Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.025

  • Water Movement: Moderate to high

  • Water Region: All areas of the aquarium  

  • Sex - Sexual difference:  No sexual difference in appearance is known.

Family: Zoanthidae

1-Button Polyps

Green Button Polyps, Sea Mat, Green Sea Mat, Zoas


Zoanthus sp.


Button Polyps are a very hardy and easy keep Zoanthid... and they are definitely as "cute as a button"!

Button Polyps Zoanthus sp. are among the easiest corals to keep. They are almost always a first coral for new hobbyists, and highly recommended for beginners. They can be very colorful, with numerous color morphs ranging anywhere from a brown, to bright green, turquoise, yellow, orange, red. and more. Keeping them under a largely actinic lighting makes them appear to be glowing in the dark!


 This coral has a fairly short stalk topped with a flat oral disc. The tentacles of the Button Polyps are delicate and radiate from the outside of the disc. The polyps can be connected to each other, but they primarily form mats, called coenenchyma. However they do not incorporate sand or sediment in the coenenchyme, as other Zoanthids can.


The Zoanthus genus is one of many types of polyps, that the catch all term, "Zoanthid" is used for. Common names for this particular genus include Zoas, Zoanthids, Sea Mat, Zoanthid Button Polyps, Green Button Polyps, Green Sea Mat, and Button Polyps. There are many incredible aquacultured Zoanthus with very creative names to describe them, mainly to excite a buying response. Be sure to check the genus on specimens with unique names like "Giant Super Pink Flamingo Zoanthids" or "Ringed Zoanthids" if you want to be sure of what you are getting.


Zoanthids require water currents to bring food and can also be fed small amounts of suitable foods, (zooplankton, brine shrimp nauplii) but will do well without feeding. A strong light source is required for Button Polyps to do well. Be cautious of filamentous algae as it will overgrow and smother polyps. Typically the blue colors tend to be a little "harder" to keep if there are less than 4 or 5 polyps on a frag.


Button Polyps are not an aggressive species. They can be kept in the company of small coral reef fish and shrimp. Good tank mates include small tangs, blennies, tilefish, sword gobies, damselfish, and dottybacks. But avoid large crustaceans, large angelfish, and most butterflyfish as they like to nibble on their tentacles. The Button Polyps are a great beginner's coral, yet they add interest and beauty to any reef aquarium with the many uniquely colored specimens available.


Scientific name :

Family: Zoanthidae
 Species: Zoanthus sp.

Distribution / Background :


Zoanthus Coral Information: The Zoanthus genus was described by Cuvier in 1800. There are about two dozen nominal species in this genus. These include some Atlantic Ocean species such as Z. pullchellus and Z solanderi, some Pacific Ocean species such as Z. coppingeri, Z. mantoni, and Z. vietnamensis, and the Zoanthus found in both oceans like Z. pacificus and Z. sociatus.


Common names the Zoanthus genus is known for are Zoas, Zoanthids, Sea Mats, Zoanthid Button Polyps, Green Button Polyps, Green Sea Mat, and Button Polyps. Some aquacultured Zoanthus have unique names, mainly to excite a buying response such as "Giant Super Pink Flamingo Zoanthids" and "Ringed Zoanthids".


Where Zoanthus Corals Are Found: The Zoanthus genus are common and widely spread in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


Zoanthus Coral Habitat: The Zoanthus sp. habitat includes shallow tidal areas, lagoons, back reefs, and many other reefal areas. They are also found in deeper waters, which is where the fluorescent orange varieties are located.


Status  :

The Zoanthus genus is not on the IUCN Red List for Endangered Species.


Description : 


What do Zoanthus Corals look like: Zoanthus sp. have soft bodies covered with a leathery skin, called the cuticle, which gives them protection. Their polyps have fairly short stalks topped with a small flat oral disc. Delicate tentacles radiate from the outside of the oral disc and are usually expanded day and night. The oral disk has a mouth, or siphonoglyph, in the center that leads into their stomach cavity. This cavity has vibrating cilia that helps to exchange water and to feed.


 The polyps of the Zoanthus genus are not usually larger than 1/2" (1.25 cm) across the top. The polyps can be connected to each other and they primarily grow as mats. However their mats do not incorporate sand or sediment in the coenenchyme, as other species of Zoanthid can. Zoanthus species come in all sorts of colors from browns and grays to bright orange, red, yellow, green, blue and many color morphs. On some, the oral disc can be a contrasting color from the tentacles.


Descriptions for some of these types of Zoanthids:


  • Zoanthus pacificus   This Zoanthid forms clumped colonies of polyps with short tentacles. They are found in shallow areas where there is high water movement. Their colors are varied. The oral disc is generally a different color than the "skirt", and even a third color can form in the very center, almost like a pupil.

  • Zoanthus sociatus - Sea Mat   The Sea Mat grows in linear colonies (rows) that form mats, and usually have green to turquoise polyps. They are found on reef flats and can also be found partially buried in the sand at times. They have short tentacles and feed on detritus. They need high light levels due to their natural exposure to full sun during low tides. This Zoanthus has a larval, crawling stage, which allows them to crawl on the substrate before attaching.

  • Zoanthus pullchellus - Zoanthid Button Polyps   The Zoanthid Button Polyps grow in circular mats that are so dense, the polyps press tightly against each other. They are mostly brown, but can have other colors and have short, blunt tentacles. They can be found in very shallow waters as well as deeper waters where orange varieties are found.

  • Zoanthus solanderi   These Zoanthids also form dense mats. They are very fast growing colonies on reef flats and back-reef areas. They will overgrow other corals if not kept in check.

  • Zoanthus coppingeri  These small polyp colonies grow very large over coral rubble, and will grow over the Velvet Finger MontiporaMontipora digitata. These polyps develop in very bright colors such as green, yellow, orange and red. They love bright lighting and good current, as indicated by their natural habitat, which are reef flats and rocky shores.

  • Zoanthus mantoni   These Zoanthids are green, grayish blue, or dark brown and green. They bury their mat in silt and substrate and will sometimes grow near Protopalythoa. The disc has a white pattern that is very attractive against their contrasting tentacles. They are found in lagoons, so they like a low current and bright light, although they are tolerant of many aquarium conditions.

  • Zoanthus vietnamensis   These form sheet-like mauve or blue thin, rubbery mats in which their polyps are almost completely buried. They have short tentacles that contrast in color with the rest with light blue, or blue-green oral discs. They inhabit shallow, high water flow areas, and also can be found growing with Palythoa and Protopalythoa.


Difficulty of Care :


 Zoanthus Coral Care: The Zoanthus genus is easy to care for as long as they have adequate lighting and good water flow. They are a recommended beginner's coral. Typically the blue colors tend to be a little "harder" to keep if there are less than 4 or 5 polyps on a frag. Be cautious of filamentous algae as it will overgrown and smother polyps.


There are a couple of cautionary items to be aware of when you keep Zoanthids:



- Palytoxin :

The members of the Zoanthidae family have varying degrees of poison called palytoxin. All of the Palythoagenus and most Protopalythoa genus produce a high level of this poison in their mucus and gonads. Other genera, such as the Zoanthus genus, have it to a lesser extent, and so a less dangerous degree.


To be affected by this toxin, it must either be ingested or must enter the bloodstream. It can enter the system through an open wound. It has been suggested by some that it may also be absorbed through skin contact though this is not confirmed.


The danger to the aquarist is minimal with proper precautions. If you have a cut on your hand, this poison can get into your system, but in average aquarium keeping it is unlikely to pose any danger beyond a localized skin reaction. Some hobbyists wear gloves when handling these organisms.


Here's a couple interesting facts!
   Fish that eat Paly polyps, like the filefish, can bring this palytoxin in to the human food chain. This would be when a predator of the filefish is a fish that is typically eaten by humans.


Also, Pacific tribes used to use this neuromuscular poison to paralyze enemies and prey animals by coating their spears with the mucus of these corals.


- Vibrio Infection    Vibrio can at times be in the coral mucus, thus causing a Vibrio infection in humans if care is not taken. Most people have no problem, but caution and common sense play a role here. Wearing gloves and possibly goggles may be the safe route to go. After handling a Zoanthid, make sure the mucus is not on your glove or hand before handling any other corals!

Foods / Feeding  :


 Zoanthus Coral Feeding: In the wild, Zoanthus corals have developed several feeding strategies. Through a symbiotic relationship with a marine algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive the majority of their nutrients. They also capture planktonic organisms and microscopic food particles from the water column, and can absorb dissolved organic matter.


 In captivity the Button Polyps largely depend on their zooxanthellae for energy. They will need bright lighting to supply this type of nourishment. They largely feed on bacteria, algae, and dissolved organic material. They can also be fed small amounts of suitable foods such as zooplankton or brine shrimp nauplii, but will do well without feeding. Most of the Zoanthus genus do not eat large pieces of food.


Some Zoanthus have been known to respond to different foods, depending on the species. In some species only certain zooplankton prey will elicit a capture response. For instance, Z. sociatus will seize sea urchin eggs, but other species will not respond at all to sea urchin eggs.

Aquarium Care :


Stable tank conditions are needed to keep the Zoanthus genus. Doing water changes of 20% a month or 10% biweekly is needed, although it is suggested that doing 5% water changes once a week will replenish many of the needed additives. Make sure iodine is present, and also the addition of trace elements may help with the Button Polyps survival.


Suggested levels for Zoanthus species are:

  • Calcium:  380 - 430 ppm

  • Alkalinity:  3.2 - 4.5 MEQ/L (8 to 11 dKh - 10 is recommended)

  • Phosphates:  0, zero.

  • Magnesium:  1250 - 1300 ppm.

  • Strontium:  8 - 10

Aquarium Parameters :


A typical live rock/reef environment is what is needed for your Button Polyps, along with some fish for organic matter production. A mature tank (well over a year old) is advised to increase the successful keeping of Zoanthus.


Provide proper lighting and water movement. Moderate water flow and a strong light source are required for Button Polyps to do well. These colonial anemones are not an aggressive species. They get along well with their own kind, but space should be provided between them and other more aggressive corals.


  • Minimum Tank Size / Length: 10 gallon Nano (38 L) or larger

  • Marine Lighting: High

  • Temperature: 72° - 82° F (22° - 27° C)

  • Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.025

  • Water Movement: Moderate

  • Water Region: All areas of the aquarium


Compatibility and Social Behaviors :


 The Zoanthus genus will get along with itself, but does need to be placed in an area where they will not encroach on nearby corals. They will only bothers corals that are too close. They are not toxic like the Palythoa orProtopalythoa, but can simply smother corals by growing over them.


Button Polyps are not an aggressive species. They can be kept in the company of small coral reef fish and shrimp. Good tank mates include small tangs, blennies, tilefish, sword gobies, damselfish, and dottybacks. But avoid large crustaceans, large angelfish, and most butterflyfish.


Sex - Sexual differences :  No sexual difference in appearance is known.

The Zoanthus genus has a reproductive cycle of spawning along with other corals. This is an amazing event. It has been seen in the Great Barrier Reef during the week after there is a full moon in the month of November. (Ryland & Babcock, 1991) They can be hermaphrodites or separate sexes. The sperm and egg meet and then form a larva that swims, called Zoanthina. (Delbeek & Sprung, 1997) The Zoanthus genus will also bud from their base.


Propagation is rather simple for Zoanthus corals, simply cut the mat or chip away under the polyp's grip. They can be out of the water a few minutes with no ill effects. Dry the bottom of the mat or debris that the polyp is stuck to, and the rock or plug you will be putting it on. Then use super glue (the gel is the best) to connect them. Wait a few seconds for it to set and then put the new frag back into the water. Another method that can be used is to rubber band them to a rock or desired surface. By the time the rubber band breaks away, the zoanthid will have connected.


Potential Problems:


The Zoanthus genus is generally hardy and durable if provided with a proper reef environment. However be cautious of filamentous algae as it will overgrown and smother polyps. There is a snail called the Box Snail or Sundial Snail Heliacus areola that prey on Zoanthid colonies, so must be removed if seen. Also avoid large crustaceans and aufwachs feeders, such as large angelfish and most butterflyfish, that like to nibble on their tentacles.


Availability : 


Zoanthus Corals for Sale: The Button Polyps or Sea Mat Zoanthus sp. are very easy to find at pet shops and on line. Online they can run about $6.00 up to $50.00 USD or more for a small grouping, depending on the color and size.


References :


  • Animal-World References: Marine and Reef

  • Eric Borneman, Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History , TFH Publications, 2001

  • Helmut Debelius and Hans A. Baensch, Marine Atlas Volume 1 (Baensch Marine Atlas), Microcosm Ltd, 1997

  • Ronald L. Shimek, Guide to Marine Invertebrates: 500+ Essential-to-Know Aquarium Species, Microcosm, 2005

  • Bob Goemans, Zoanthids, Animal Library,

  • Julian Sprung, Zoanthids: Polyps as cute as a button, Advanced Aquarist's Online Magazine, Copyright 2003

2-Giant Sun Polyp

Sun Zoanthid, Giant Palythoa, Button Polyps

Giant Sun Polyp, Sun ZoanthidProtopalythoa grandis


The Giant Sun Polyp, with its broad oral disc, is said to be the largest of the Zoanthids!

Due to the Similarity .... Here is a brief .. For more information click on the primary name ..

The Giant Sun Polyp Protopalythoa grandis, also known as the Sun Zoanthid, is a very attractive button polyp. They have a mottling of brown, white, and green colors. They can also be somewhat iridescent, and occasionally have wagon wheel type striations. Like all the members of theProtopalythoa genus, and they are one of the largest Zoanthid species. But with an oral disc reaching 2" ( 5 cm) across, the Giant Sun Polyp is believed to be the largest of all.


 Whether these are Protopalythoa genus or the Palythoa genus is in a state of confusion. At one point these were members of the Palythoagenus, but then they were distinguished by their growth form and placed in the Protopalythoa genus. However, some experts again consider this genus to be part of the Palythoa genus. Which genus the scientific community as a whole ultimately settles on is yet to be seen.


What mades the Protopalythoa genus unique is that they most often grow as solitary polyps, though often in small tightly clustered groups. ThePalythoa sp. have been distinguished by polyps that are connected through a mat, called the coenenchyma. The Paly's incorporate bits of sand or sediment into the mat giving the colony the appearance of a half moon large coral. The polyps of the Protopalythoa sp. are not usually embedded in the base of a mat. They are also larger, and generally have more tentacles around the rim of their oral disc than the Palythoa species as well.

The Giant Sun Polyps are easy to care for as long as they have proper lighting and water flow, and adequate nutrition. They are found in the Atlantic Ocean where they inhabit the deep hard bottom reefs of the Gulf of Mexico. Since they are found in deeper water, they like lower lighting and a moderate water flow. Place them at the bottom of the aquarium for lower light. They also need a medium current, but not too strong since they catch prey from the water column, and this would make it very hard for them to feed.


 If the Giant Sun Polyp doesn't get enough food their polyps will shrink slightly. The tentacle will also recede making them look more like a sea anemone similar to some of the Discosoma genus. At times they close up for several days to shed mucus, which is thought to help rid the zoanthid of sediment and algae. They can also take about a week to adjust and open in a new tank. Filamentous algae can be a problem, as it can smother them. As with most zoanthids, mushroom anemones should not be placed nearby.


 The Protopalythoa sp. are recommended as a beginner's coral, but with some caution. Protopalythoa producepalytoxin, one of the most potent poisons known to science. For this reason one should take care when handling them. Don't handle them if you have cuts or open wounds and make sure to clean your hands after handling.


Scientific name  :

Family: Zoanthidae
Species: Protopalythoa grandis

Status  :

The Protopalythoa genus is not on the IUCN Red List for Endangered Species.


Foods / Feeding :


Protopalythoa Coral Feeding: In the wild, Protopalythoa corals have developed several feeding strategies. Through a symbiotic relationship with a marine algae, known as zooxanthellae, they receive the majority of their nutrients. They also capture planktonic organisms and microscopic food particles from the water column, and can absorb dissolved organic matter.


 In captivity Protopalythoa sp. depend on their zooxanthellae for some of their energy, so will need bright lighting to supply this type of nourishment. They are always willing and eager to take meaty offerings that are appropriate to marine life. You can give them any fish or crustacean flesh as you feel they need it. Mince the pieces so they can digest the meat. If the Giant Sun Polyp doesn't get enough food their polyps will shrink slightly and their tentacles will tend to recede.


Aquarium Care :


Stable tank conditions are needed to keep the Protopalythoa genus. Doing water changes of 20% a month or 10% biweekly is needed, although it is suggested that doing 5% water changes once a week will replenish many of the needed additives. Make sure iodine is present, and also the addition of trace elements may help with Protopalythoasurvival.


   Suggested levels for Protopalythoa species are:


  • Calcium:  380 - 430 ppm

  • Alkalinity:  3.2 - 4.8 MEQ/L (8 to 11 dKh - 10 is recommended)

  • Phosphates:  0, zero.

  • Magnesium:  1250 - 1300 ppm.

  • Strontium:  8 - 10

Aquarium Parameters :


A typical live rock/reef environment is what is needed for your Giant Sun Polyp, along with some fish for organic matter production. A mature tank (well over a year old) is advised to increase the successful keeping of Protopalythoa.


 Provide proper lighting and water movement. Moderate water flow and a strong light source are required for Giant Sun Polyp to do well. These colonial anemones are not an aggressive species. They get along well with their own kind, but space should be provided between them and other corals as they are fast growers and will overtake close neighbors.


  • Minimum Tank Size / Length: 10 gallon Nano (38 L) or larger

  • Marine Lighting: Low to medium. Varies depending on species

  • Temperature: 72° - 83° F (22° - 27° C)

  • Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.025

  • Water Movement: Moderate to high. Varies depending on species

  • Water Region: All areas of the aquarium  

  • Sex - Sexual differences   :No sexual difference in appearance is known.

Descriptions for some of these types of Zoanthids:

  • Protopalythoa grandis - Giant Sun Polyp, Sun Zoanthid   This Zoanthid, found in the Atlantic, is one of the largest of the Protopalythoa genus. They have mottling of brown, white, and green. They are found in the deep hard bottom reefs of the Gulf of Mexico. Since they are found in deeper water, they like lower lighting, so place them at the bottom. They also need moderate currents, but not strong since they catch prey from the water column, and this would make it very hard for them to feed. At times they close up for several days to shed mucus, which is thought to help rid the zoanthid of (sediment and) algae. They can also take about a week to adjust and open in a new tank. (It has been suggested that it may be a synonym of Protopalythoa variabilis).

  • Protopalythoa mutuki  - Green Button Polyp    This Zoanthid, found in the Pacific, has large polyps that are green with a white mouth. They can have a little brown in them and turn tan to brown if the lighting is too intense or not to their liking. These are found inter tidally on rocky shores and reef flats and do not like strong water flow.

  • Protopalythoa toxica   This is also a Pacific species, and it has the highest level of palytoxin. They have brown and white mottling on their oral disc and the edges are curled up most of the time. They can tolerate a stronger water flow.

  • Protopalythoa variabilis - Trumpet Polyp, Brown Button Polyps   Found in the Pacific, it has brown polyps that are connected at the base by stolons. They feed at night on zooplankton and other particles in the water column. They will bury themselves in the sand part way and like a quiet water flow.

  • Protopalythoa vestitus   This too is a Pacific species. It has delicate tentacles that are rounded on the outside edge of the deep brown oral disc with white radiating from the center. They form large colonies as opposed to solitary individuals. This is a shallow-water species that prefers strong lighting and strong water flow. At times, they will shed a mucus layer from their base.

  • Protopalythoa grandiflora   This Zoanthid, found in the Atlantic, has brown discs with lighter tentacles and they form smaller colonies that are connected by stolons. They are not too picky about light and water movement.

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